Tuesday, October 15, 2024


I worked hard to sew the last 5 rows together and then to the top 5 which were already sewn pre-Sepsis!  It was a lot of work and stumbling to sit and sew, get up and iron, reach for the next row, etc!  My eyes, hands and feet are not coordinated with my brain yet and it took a lot of thinking to do what should be so easy to do!  BUT I DID IT!!!  I did have to go and rest afterwards. 
 This recovery stuff is hard work.

Monday, October 14, 2024


Bill gave the socks a try on to see if it was high enough
 for his taste and he said it was just right!  
A photo for scale --my size 8 sock
 is a bit smaller than his size 15....!

Sunday, October 13, 2024


I made it up the large foot and around the heel and am ready to begin the leg ribbing on the socks for Bill.

The pretty bouquet from Bill to cheer me up!  

I do love the color!


Friday, October 11, 2024


Power outages and no internet gave us a few days without being connected to the rest of the world! 
 The yard is a mess everywhere but there was no damage 
to our house for which we are grateful!  
The banana trees didn't fare as well, unfortunately!  
I did a bit of knitting on the smaller Sentro knitting machine 
using DK weight yarn.  I would think It will fit 6-12 month olds.
I also finished another pre-illness project, the crow wall plaque! 
I just needed to put the polyacrylic on to seal the painted wood 
so I could put the Cricut cut vinyl on as the finishing touch!
And a noble view of my companion, Lena.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024


I am putting out a few decorations at a time.
And weaving a 14 row repeat each time I take my 'walk' .  
I am on towel #2 at least so the 1" at-a-time is adding up.
I added a row along the side and along the top on this blanket that never ends.  I still have enough yarn to make it a king size blanket but right now it is 40' x 60".  
I will be setting it aside for a while again.
I did wind up some new sock yarn, Hawthorne, because Bill has asked for a new pair and it will be a nice way to say thank you for the care he has given me over this last month!

We are getting rain already from Milton; we will be experiencing 30-40 mph winds but nothing like the coast will be receiving.  Our home is not in a flood zone so while the lowland way out back where we have our pond will flood, it is not going to impact our house. Bill has the generator all primed and ready if we do experience a power outage.  I know it will be a wild night for many and I will keep my eye on my view from bed...


Monday, October 7, 2024


One month ago today I went to the ER by ambulance for Septic Shock from an infected appendix.
I was in the hospital for 8 days. 
Daily blood tests and IV failures made for some very colorful arms.
they finally inserted a midline that helped giving meds 
without the vein collapsing.
I had battle scars.
One month later and I am doing better.  I can walk (with a walker) to the kitchen 3-4 times a day which is 50' away and then back again.  I have also gone into the studio which is 80' away but that requires a rest before the return walk!  But I am walking!
The bruises are almost completely gone.
And are just memories for the most part.  The surgery to remove the appendix went well and I am completely healed from that. 
 I can do my stretching exercises-reach for the sky and touch the floor without any pain.  
I am struggling with brain fog (which is already an issue with the MS) which has been exacerbated with the Sepsis. 
 I am struggling with stamina 
and a return to all of the creative things I love. 
It is slow going and I am not a SLOW person by nature.  
I am grateful to be alive and to find it worth while to build up my strength everyday even if it is by baby steps!

God has a reason for me to be alive; it is unusual to survive two bouts of Septic Shock (my first one was four years ago) 
so I am even more aware of the fine thread that keeps me connected to this life.  I do love the life He has given me and I am grateful for all of the family, loved ones and friends that make my life so rich.  If you are reading this blog, I count you as one of these jewels.


Saturday, October 5, 2024


I managed to knit 19 squares along the side of the blanket.  
I am going to knit the row along the top next.
I've pulled out some old and recent leftovers of socks yarn 
to handle the job!
My bed buddy says, "Just don't make any noise, please!'

Wednesday, October 2, 2024


I wanted to have this sign done before I had become sick but things don't always go according to our plans.  I had the letters cut out on the Cricut and the sign all cut out and painted.  Over the last few days, I have worked to measure and place the letters and to decorate the top of the sign.
I had hoped to finish it for yesterday, October 1st, but I didn't realize how much time I would have to be upright to accomplish that task!!!  Being upright means my heart races and my breath comes fast like I'm in labor. 

 I see the surgeon today and am looking forward to hearing what he has to say about my recovery. I think the easy part has been healing after the appendectomy, the septic shock recovery is what is messing with me.  If you are interested, here is a good overview of what septic shock is medically.


Sunday, September 29, 2024


Bill carried my load of dirty laundry to the washer and I followed him the 100 feet to add the detergent and turn it on!  
The loom is right next to the washer so I sat down and had to think for a bit about which of the treadles to push to keep the Log Cabin pattern.  I did eventually remember and threw the two shuttles for 14 picks or 1" worth of weaving.  It felt wonderful!

Saturday, September 28, 2024


 While I try to do some sitting up time often each day, I have been working on the Dotz projects.  My brain can handle covering up all the #1's, etc.  It feels good to make something.  I have been sad at how slow my progress is until my Mom gave me words of wisdom; "Have you made progress since last Saturday?"  Well, yes, I can measure improvements since a week ago so thanks for the perspective, Mom!

Friday, September 27, 2024


 Just a messy yard and a few hours without power is all the mark that Hurricane Helene left for us.  It sounded pretty wild through the night but less than an inch of rain was the final outcome.         There are many who did not escape the damage,                  my heart goes out to them.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024


My brain is beginning to recover from the multitude of drugs pumped into me to save my life.  I even sat at the table for two meals yesterday.  I'm finding little improvements each day but I have to remember to search for them.  
Recovery means time, lots of time.

Sunday, September 22, 2024


The Lifesaver cactus sure has enjoyed the neglect of the last two weeks because it is covered in blooms!  I actually made it out to the front porch this afternoon and sat and enjoyed the sounds of my yard for a bit.  It's hard work being alive.

Friday, September 20, 2024


It takes a lot of concentration but I did some knitting. 
 I'm adding another column to the sock yarn scraps blanket.  
I have plenty of new balls to use up.  

Wednesday, September 18, 2024


There are no words to express the joy and gratitude for being home.  I can walk with my walker for a bit.  I managed to 'do' my hair after my shower so I feel more like me again!   I am still so easily depleted, and am not able to lay flat and knit or crochet even-holding up my arms just consumes too much more than what I have available right now.  I did walk into my studio to delight my eyes with the color and promise I have to look forward to soon. My brain is healing, too, so I can only watch TV for a bit, read for a bit, etc.  Napping is a good way to recharge.  I will catch up on your blogs soon.  Thanks! 

Sunday, September 15, 2024


 I’ve been missing from my blog and almost missing from life since the  doctor misdiagnosed my stomach pain last week through shoddy doctoring- did he feel my stomach? No , he didn't even bother cuz he said there’s a stomach bug going around. Therefore, I ended up taking an ambulance ride several hours later when Bill found me unconscious on the floor in my room. The hospital determined my appendix had gone sepsis! Needless to say, it’s been quite a week of up-and-downs! I hope to be discharged tomorrow to be able to be taken care of by my husband at home in my own bed!  

Sunday, September 8, 2024


The pair of socks I started on my way to NY is a done deal!  
This yarn is Knit picks Static in Cabot Cove. 
 It was an easy match for this pair. 
 It's going into the gift pile for now.
And I am still loving these dishcloths! 
 I can use every bit of the yarn from 1 skein to make a pair. 
 I like that I can make a pair in an evening, too!

Saturday, September 7, 2024


I made some letters on the Cricut--I know it doesn't look like it but these will spell WELCOME on a new sign.
I cut and painted the wood to make a porch sign for Autumn.  Ideas, you know.
I also cut this out and will be making a new sign for this, too.  
I think looking at Kim's Crow stitching inspired me!
Lena just couldn't keep up with me today-I did a little bit everywhere and she gave up and waited for me to make my bed.  She missed my efforts there and I got to make up the bed without her help! lol

Friday, September 6, 2024


I sleyed the rest of the reed and got to the best part of all of the work---weaving!!!  Doesn't this color combo work nicely together!?!
I did a bit of piecing on the top on the left and then decided they will both get attention today!  I also need to load another quilt onto the frame and get to work!
Bill and I went to lunch at Corky Bell's but it was storming out so we sat indoors but could still see the river!  It was so nice to stop and enjoy the feast together!
And yes, I am still cranking out hats!  I have a few skeins left to make before the box is full for the donation trip!

Thursday, September 5, 2024


I had to give up with the brilliant idea of tying on the new warp to the old, it didn't work because I couldn't make knots easily or keep my place--I pulled out all the old threads and started over again.  I worked on the loom off and on all day between cleaning and laundry.  I found that when I moved the front beam out of the way, it was so much easier on my body to reach and see the heddles.
I threaded all of the through the heddles and then positioned the beam in place and got ready for the next step.
And that was threading each thread through a slot in the reed.  I place 2 threads in one slot, 2 threads in the next slot 
and then only one in the next.
I marked the reed every 20 slots to keep me on track and it worked well!  I managed to do 18- threads before dinner time! 
 I will finish it up this morning before we head to lunch together--
it's been a long time coming!


I worked hard to sew the last 5 rows together and then to the top 5 which were already sewn pre-Sepsis!  It was a lot of work and stumbling ...