Monday, January 20, 2025


 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.  


  1. Oh no! Cindy, I am so very sorry. My love and prayers are with you and your family. May God give you peace in your hearts and be with you through these terrible days. Much love to you my dear friend.
    Blessings, love and huge hugs,

  2. I am so very sorry to hear this news, Cindy. I will definitely be holding you and your family up in my prayers. May God be with you and give you the comfort that only He can give during such a time as this. Sending you God's love and prayers and hugs.

  3. Oh no! I am so, so very sorry to hear such terribly heartbreaking news. My condolences to you and your family. Blessings of strength and comfort.

  4. Devastating news - prayers for you and your extended family.

  5. I'm devastated for you and your family. You've been through so much. This is just too cruel.

  6. No! The utter heartbreak you must feel...

  7. Cindy, I have no words, please take care of yourself,sending you and your family love

  8. Oh.. I don't know what to say. I am so, so sorry to hear this. Sending you and your family HUGE hugs.

  9. Oh my, I am speechless. I will be praying for comfort and peace. God be with you.

  10. So sorry to hear this devastating news! Sending you lots of love and virtual hugs.

  11. Sending our love and prayers. Jessa

  12. I am so very, very sorry for your loss. Sending hugs and prayers out to you and your family.

  13. There are no words. Hugs. Seajaes on Ravelry. Aka Cheryl

  14. oh no.... so sorry to hear this, sending you many hugs and prayers xx

  15. There are no words to express the pain of losing a child. I am so very sorry for your loss, and hope you find peace in the days ahead.

  16. I am so bad at words for this tragedy- but I am in prayer and keeping you all in my thoughts. Sending long distance hugs


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  I have been able to knit the top down sweater and so far no problems!  I am even bringing it in the car when we go to church this morning-...