We have been shrouded for days now but last night was the last freeze for the winter, I think! Bill is outside taking all of the blankets down and folding them up until next year!
We lost several of the flowering bushes (flame bush) and the Turk's Cap but they will come back in the Spring!
The hibiscus might or might not come back-it is a waiting game that I usually cave and buy new ones so they will flower this year and not have to wait a year or two with the old ones before they bloom.
The frost killed all of the camellias--they all look toasted-brown!
I am emerging from a deep freeze-one of my pain meds were changed and it has been a painful interlude waiting for the new meds to kick in.
I think many of you would be like me and hate to have help but when a friend asked if she could come and help me by doing some housecleaning, I automatically said no but thanks. After I swallowed my pride, I told her, yes, I need help! What a gift to have a friend willing to come in and spiff things up for you!