Monday, January 17, 2022


I had fun planning the next quilt....
I did a lot of knitting; in all honesty, 
I probably did it a bit too long for the aching ramped up a lot. 
I took the hint and rested my arm again.
We had bouts of wind and rain throughout the day--when there was calm, the birds were busy filling up since our temps are due to drop from the 60's to the 30's! 
 I'm hoping for no frost!


  1. Good luck with the weather. I heard about tornadoes in FL. We had some snow, then rain, and now it will turn back to snow. It's gonna be messy out there!

  2. It’s so fun to watch the birds! We’ve been doing the same.

  3. that new quilt is going to be beautiful!

  4. This winter sure has been a roller coaster. Yesterday in was in the teens with snow and ice and today it's in the 40's with sunshine. I can't keep up. Instead of shoveling snow today we'll be shoveling mud. Ugh.

  5. Your red and white quilt is going to be lovely! Thanks for the photo of your knitting progress as I was curious. Hope your hand/arm improves quickly!

  6. What a pretty quilt you have planned and you've been knitting! Please tke care of your hand and don't overdo.
    I heard today that Florida could have freezing temps several times in the next few weeks. Crazy! Then I saw that there were tornadoes too. Oh my! I'm glad you're safe.
    Blessings and hugs,


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!