Wednesday, January 5, 2022

wood on wednesday

8" of wild olive wood is being turned into a vase-like shape
 which I will use to hold my paint brushes!
I hollowed it out with a Forstner bit and then I had to repair the many cracks in this wood.  I fill them with CA glue and some sawdust.  I will be able to finish the piece today!
No matter how tired I am of standing there for several hours,
 I always sweep up the mess and place all of the shavings into the sawdust bin before I leave the area!


  1. Great idea for your paint brushes. That will be so pretty.

  2. That is going to be so gorgeous! I bet that sawdust smells great. I love the smell of it even if it's just a plain old wood smell.

  3. Tidying the area when finished makes it more appealing when you return the next time. The vase is pretty.

  4. The first picture reminds me of a head laying there! :-) It's going to be a beautiful vase. Good for you doing the clean up. It's more fun to start in a clean area. I'm like that with the kitchen. I can't bear to go to bed unless the kitchen is clean. Dirty dishes in the sink in the morning is awful!
    Blessings and hugs,

  5. Such a pretty pot! And the shavings make me think I should do that with thread scraps on my carpet. LOL!


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I worked hard to sew the last 5 rows together and then to the top 5 which were already sewn pre-Sepsis!  It was a lot of work and stumbling ...