Friday, July 26, 2024


These table runners will be getting their binding today so they will be finished!
I have these greens lined up on the design wall for a simple gradient gingham placement quilt.  I will be piecing the rows today, too!  Simple is good for Friday sewing!

Thursday, July 25, 2024


The birdbath is set up again on its platform and the water is flowing!  Bill even weed whacked around the area 
so that it is very neat and functioning again!  
It doesn't take long to overheat outdoors so I was glad to head back inside and decided to face up to a much dreaded chore....winding a new warp.  I mess up the counting and get bored wrapping all of those threads so I can only work for half an hour at a time but I am 3/4 of the way done now 
and can't believe I was such a baby! I should've remembered my Mother's advice to give even 10 minutes a day to a distasteful task and it will get done!
There are so many threads for this pair of dish towels
 but I am getting excited for the next step which is one step closer to the weaving!  
(the next steps are winding, threading and sleying THEN weaving! lol)
When I couldn't stand any longer, I did a bit of this!  
Aren't they cute?! 

Wednesday, July 24, 2024


This bowl is from the other half of the little log. 
 It is so nice to work with the Black Walnut; 
 the grain is gorgeous and sands up so smoothly.
It was fun to make this one
 and the bark stayed on in every inch of the rim
 so that worked up beautifully 
with the finish to bring out the rich color!
Right now it is sitting on the table with a piece of green Jasper 
that I had found in  Washington.  
They make a great pair!

Tuesday, July 23, 2024


The bird bath fountain sprung a leak so Bill fixed the leak and put a new sealant on it and I gave it a new paint job!  I had to let the paint set up for 24 hours so today we will set up the solar fountain part again!  The birds and squirrels are really missing the fresh water!  (I had to do this first thing yesterday before the rains moved in and Bill brought it into the garage to finish drying when it got dark out and rumbling!)
For those of you interested, this is the Passion fruit. 
 It is about 2 1/2" tall and very aromatic.
Unfortunately, this one had lost its meat and was only seeds that looked like polliwogs so I wouldn't even try a lick ,even if it did smell good! lol  I will dry out the seeds and plant them.  I found out that I have an ornamental one and that is why my fruits don't fruit but I will grow this on the other side of the trellis arch 
and let them keep each other company!
In the studio, I put the dark border strips on the Sea Traveler quilts then loaded up a table runner on the frame.  (I have a large queue for the frame so I need a simple and quick project first!)
Last of all, I added the stars to the panel-plus-scraps QOV quilt! 
 I am pleased with the results.  I have one more step and that is to add the blue w/stars strips to the sides only to make this wider because right now it is only 60" wide and I like them at least 65";  I will probably make this one 66" so the final measurements will be 66" x 80" which is a generous twin sized quilt.  
I will be working on this at the quilting group today!

Monday, July 22, 2024


Another cotton sweater has been added to the sweater drawer! 
 It looks good with capris or my linen skirt!
No, I am not tired of making the matching pair of dishcloths from each ball of cotton yarn!  

Sunday, July 21, 2024


The quilt group QOV is off the frame and ready to turn in;  
another will apply the binding on this one.
The spinning is continuing;  there will be enough for another bobbin and at least two more skeins of the Cotswold wool. 
 It has been a very good spin!

Saturday, July 20, 2024


I like the look of the remade bowl-much cleaner lines!  The bowl on the right, the black walnut one is so smooth and pleasant to hold!
I loaded the other half of the chunk of wood and I am making a banana shaped bowl from this piece of wood.  It fell into shape pretty quickly;  it is so nice to be able to work in a comfortable wood working area!
I have this side sanded and sealed and am ready to turn it and hollow it out today.  I am glad to say, I don't have to get up and out of the house first thing this morning!  It has been a week of appointments but that's over and I am glad the week is behind me! 

 I will piece the last star blocks and put that top together. And I want to finish the last few rows on the QOV on the frame and load up something else from the pile!  It will be a good day!

Friday, July 19, 2024


This little bowl (4" wide and 3" high) is almost finished, I will be removing the tenon on the bottom and sign it first.
I do love the beautiful grain and deep color of this wood;  it is from a little chunk from a tree my sister cut down at her home in NY and I rescued it from the firewood stack!  
This is going to her for a thank you!
And the 'odd' flying saucer bowl I made last week has had a bit of work done on it;  I cut off the flange 
and  I like the way it looks a lot better.
A bit chipped off the side where there was a knot and I just smoothed off the dip and like what it adds to the look! 
I took a little tour after filling the bird feeders and enjoyed the flowers--your hibiscus,
blackberry lilies,
Passion fruit vines,
and even a fruit from the vine, 
and one of the many pagoda plants!!!!

Thursday, July 18, 2024


A bit of stitching to build all of the star blocks. 
 (the one on the right is going on the bottom row 
but I am lining them up here until I can attach them!)
I also loaded a little half log of black walnut 
and it easily developed into a sweet little bowl!
I love the deep color and there isn't even any finish on it yet!!! 
 Might I mention how wonderful it is to work in front of the A/C unit in a cooler garage! (80* instead of 95*)

Wednesday, July 17, 2024


I collected a variety of small scallop shells with holes at the tip so that I can embellish a weaving with them!  The bottom two shells were just because I recently talked about them with my daughter!
And I have a finished pair of shorty socks.  
These are just the reverse colors of the pair I made before.  
The photo looks like aqua and black but it is brown stripes.  I am expecting some more sock yarn
 in the mail soon to cast on a new pair! 
 In the meantime, I need to get in front of that quilting frame!

Tuesday, July 16, 2024


We met Matthew and the boys at Crescent Beach yesterday! 
 It was perfect weather for the day; sunshine with a steady breeze from the south so the 99* temps were totally bearable!  
I waded in the 80* water while the guys frolicked in the waves!
I rested under our canopy so I had shade 
when I started to feel a bit too sun-kissed.
The beauty all around me 
was such good medicine for every part of me!
The gulls, pelicans and sandpipers kept me entertained as I reclined and soaked up the memory of the whole day!

Monday, July 15, 2024


I am back to spinning some natural colored wool, still Cotswold, but again I am out of batts.  Guess what I will be making today?
I whipped off a school of stingrays last night--
I hope to make them for some boys to enjoy.

Sunday, July 14, 2024


It wasn't too crowded considering it was a Saturday, and the water was so refreshing in the 100* temperatures!

The water surging from the spring is channeled out here where it meanders to the St Johns River eventually. 
 Caleb and his son did some fishing here.  
Just catch and release. 
 We enjoyed  the antics of a blue crab, too.

Caleb did catch this Pleco by hand--it was like a dinosaur-ed fish because it was very scaled not with fish scales but with hard, sharp scales!  The fins at the top of his spine were all spines, too!  It was amazing and ancient looking!  After a wonderful few hours we hiked back to the car and to our house for a pool swim!
After dinner, Ella and I had some time to crochet--she wanted to make a stingray which is a great beginner project.
I made a black and white one from the plush yarn-too cute!
This one I added a mouth on the underside! 
 The day was perfect in every way!!!

Saturday, July 13, 2024


I made two more blocks and decided how I want them to be arranged.  I also cut out the pieces for the other seven blocks
 that need to be made.
I did some walking outside since the humidity let go of us for a day--our temps were still in the high 90's
 but with lower humidity, breathing was possible!  
This is my very large ornamental pineapple plant.
And this is the first time it has produced a fruit, albeit inedible.
And on the other side of the plant, a little bud is coming along!
Such a bright splash of color that I enjoy immensely.
At the vegetable beds, the carrots are so pretty and lacy!
The other bed has a forest of green beans and summer squash.
Most of the plants have several little baby squash growing!  
Perhaps next week, I will be picking some beans!  I can't wait!
In the meantime, I am enjoying a meal of Swiss Chard each week!
As I walked back to the garage, I saw this guy scurry inside! 
 I couldn't catch him but I did take his picture!  
He was a large skink, a good 8" long, and I hope he finds a meal tonight while he sleeps in the garage,
 since I closed the door after me!


These table runners will be getting their binding today so they will be finished! I have these greens lined up on the design wall for a simp...