Sunday, September 8, 2024


The pair of socks I started on my way to NY is a done deal!  
This yarn is Knit picks Static in Cabot Cove. 
 It was an easy match for this pair. 
 It's going into the gift pile for now.
And I am still loving these dishcloths! 
 I can use every bit of the yarn from 1 skein to make a pair. 
 I like that I can make a pair in an evening, too!

Saturday, September 7, 2024


I made some letters on the Cricut--I know it doesn't look like it but these will spell WELCOME on a new sign.
I cut and painted the wood to make a porch sign for Autumn.  Ideas, you know.
I also cut this out and will be making a new sign for this, too.  
I think looking at Kim's Crow stitching inspired me!
Lena just couldn't keep up with me today-I did a little bit everywhere and she gave up and waited for me to make my bed.  She missed my efforts there and I got to make up the bed without her help! lol

Friday, September 6, 2024


I sleyed the rest of the reed and got to the best part of all of the work---weaving!!!  Doesn't this color combo work nicely together!?!
I did a bit of piecing on the top on the left and then decided they will both get attention today!  I also need to load another quilt onto the frame and get to work!
Bill and I went to lunch at Corky Bell's but it was storming out so we sat indoors but could still see the river!  It was so nice to stop and enjoy the feast together!
And yes, I am still cranking out hats!  I have a few skeins left to make before the box is full for the donation trip!

Thursday, September 5, 2024


I had to give up with the brilliant idea of tying on the new warp to the old, it didn't work because I couldn't make knots easily or keep my place--I pulled out all the old threads and started over again.  I worked on the loom off and on all day between cleaning and laundry.  I found that when I moved the front beam out of the way, it was so much easier on my body to reach and see the heddles.
I threaded all of the through the heddles and then positioned the beam in place and got ready for the next step.
And that was threading each thread through a slot in the reed.  I place 2 threads in one slot, 2 threads in the next slot 
and then only one in the next.
I marked the reed every 20 slots to keep me on track and it worked well!  I managed to do 18- threads before dinner time! 
 I will finish it up this morning before we head to lunch together--
it's been a long time coming!

Wednesday, September 4, 2024


After being out in the morning, I gathered up my supplies in time to rush to quilting group!  I got this much done when we had an emergency-one of the ladies made a slip with the rotary cutter
 and needed to go the the doctor's for the finger injury! 
 Never a dull moment!
I am working away at the threading, tying each thread onto its matched spot.  It isn't easy.  
At least the cross of threads makes it possible to know which thread needs to go next.  I am determined 
but resigned to the S L O W  pace of this part of the weaving...

Tuesday, September 3, 2024


I managed to wind the warp so much more easily this time around--almost pleasurably!  I am going to attempt to tie onto the threads I left from the last set of towels.  I will tie them on and pull them through to the back since I know they are threaded perfectly already. Well, that is the plan!  But first, I am off to have a blood draw and then to run a few errands. 
 I will be tackling this as soon as I get back!

Monday, September 2, 2024


Towel number 2 is finished and it is one I am very happy with this time around!  No threading errors or weaving errors!  Ta Da!  It finished at 16" x 24"-a good size for a dish towel.
You can see the, huh, 'design element' on the top towel 
and the center goof is gone on the bottom one.
The first one had a goof in the middle
 but both towels finished out at the same size. 
What towel is next?  I'm thinking of making some more Log Cabin towels in different colors.

Saturday, August 31, 2024


I made the matching paper leaf cutout  to match the pumpkin!  I think they will be a pretty addition to the Fall decorations I put out on September first. These are so simple to make which was a good project for my post-travel self!
Another way to relax and settle back in to home was to sit and weave!  The second towel is at the half way mark;  I'm torn between spending a few hours to finish it today or to slow down and enjoy it for several more days!

If I do slow down the weaving, I will be spending time sewing these together for another top to add to the quilting frame queue!

Friday, August 30, 2024


The day spent traveling home was again uneventful;  
what a pleasant surprise!
Coming into Florida is a beautiful sight.
I managed a lot of knitting again!
The clouds greeted me with such beauty 
as the road took me home.

Thursday, August 29, 2024


A bit of history where my parents' live on the Oswego River 
by Lock #1.  They have spiffed things up a ton 
since I was a teenager here.  Nice to see.
These gates are raised and lowered depending on the complicated water levels both up and down the river.
The birds gather here for the plentiful fish for both man and fowl.
There were many clumps of wild grapes which looked so pretty near the water's edge.

I am heading home today.  Enough said about goodbyes.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024


I used reverse crochet to make an edging for the afghan after adding two more rows.  It now measures 42" x 48" of scrap yarn.  
And we even sorted through 4 large totes of yarn to keep only the truly useful skeins and have the new closet shelves organized!  
I'm glad I used quite a bit of yarn, too!
Recently CityMouseQuilter posted her lemon shortbread cookies 
and she was kind enough to share her recipe with me. 
 I didn't roll out my cookie dough but rather made small balls of dough to bake them. Let me tell you that of the 20 cookies that were made, only one is left!  They were that good!!!  
Thank you for sharing the recipe and sharing the lemony goodness!

Tuesday, August 27, 2024


This is my niece;  she is a diy-er like me!  We overhauled a closet upstairs to make it a more usable space! 
First, we removed the steel clothes rod.
Then we installed the cut lumber for the shelves, painted them 
and attached the brackets for holding them in place.  
After a bit of paint for touching up installation scuffs, we had a space that needs to be filled with yarn!

I am very close to the last rows but I think it needs a few more. 
Then I will work around the edge in half double crochet stitches 
and it is done!
Guess what we will be doing today!

Monday, August 26, 2024


There are several very old maples in my parents' yard--
isn't it cool to lean on the huge trunk with me?!
Dad still likes to do small tasks- Macular Degeneration has made so many things impossible but he still finds contentment in the little things.  My heart swells with love.
I am so enjoying the blanket making; 
 I am making a dent in the pile I picked out for this scrap-buster.
In the evening, I knit a few rows on the sock 
I almost finished on the flight here.  I will finish this one but not start the second sock until I am on my way home!

Friday, August 23, 2024


The Entrelac Tunisian Crochet blanket is coming along
 and I am enjoying the rhythm of the stitching!
A new rose was out in full bloom today and it smells delicious, too!!!!
We enjoyed a campfire last night; Mountain Pies and S'mores for dessert!  Just delicious!  My niece was there with her family---
it is great to be a Great Aunt!


This is the whole Hydrangea bush!  It is lush with blooms.
All of the Rose of Sharon are in bloom, too!  You can see here that they are related to the Hibiscus flowers.
The yard has several pinks and purples and also some white!
The crab apple tree is bursting with the little apples!


The pair of socks I started on my way to NY is a done deal!   This yarn is Knit picks Static in Cabot Cove.   It was an easy match for this ...