Sunday, February 28, 2021

Squares on a Wall

I worked outside until the heat chased me indoors-yes, heat! 
 A very warm 87* today!  
The sun was too much for me 
but I did get halfway up the higher section of the chimney 
so I am on the home stretch now!
After a nice glass of iced tea, I played with fabric squares! 
 This is just for placement right now, 
once sewn together this section will be a 26" square
-two will make my table runner for the month! 
 In the big white square will be the appliqued stem 
for the shamrock.
Goodbye, February!

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Sycamore Tree

I loaded a piece of Sycamore that was a crotch with three branches off of the one limb.  
I rounded it all out this time but did leave the very edge with some of the smooth sycamore bark.
You can see some of the green-ish bark here-it is smooth, not like the other live edges I've made.
I turned the bowl around when I finished hollowing it out and took off the tenon.  In no time, I had my name woodburned on the bottom and it was sealed up with the orange oil and wax finish.
What I love is the color of this wood!  It is very pink--it isn't the photo or anything I've done--it is the color of the wood!
At each of the places where there was a branch coming off of the trunk-you can see this blood red knot;  very striking!
I am thrilled with this bowl!  5" wide and 3" high-a very nice art bowl for the collection!

I'm off to finish the chimney grout and put some more green squares up on the design wall!

And another piece of wood just might end up on the lathe.....

Friday, February 26, 2021

Buds and Bowl

This is one of my King Orchids, a mother's day gift several years ago.  I thought the plant was crowded so I separated the corms in half and planted them into two pots.  they have been mad at me ever since.  This past summer, I lightened the potting soil with a lot more wood chips and it was just what they needed--this one is budding now!  Orchids do not like to be 'smothered'!
And this one is already busting out in bloom!  The plant itself resembles an iris in its height and the corm system but the flower is all orchid-just wait until it is completely open, I'll show you!
In the house we have some buds coming on the orchids, too.  The one on the right has little buds--this will be the first time it has bloomed since I received  it (when it was in bloom). 
 It is in a cute little mini-pot.
The one on the left, it is just pushing out its bud stalk.
And the 12 year old orchid is sending out its bloom stalk, too. 
 It is a bit behind schedule but that's okay by me!
Outside, the Amaryllis pot is sending out its stalks at the same time it is sending out its leaves-this was frost-bitten and we were afraid for it--for naught it seems! 
 I can't wait to see the orangey red flowers!
And another square bowl off the lathe-this one for middle son.  
It is 6" x 5" so not quite square, maple this time--beautiful worm ridden wood.
I made the rim thicker this time--it is much sturdier.
I will be working on the chimney 
and then another small bowl today!
  What's got your attention this Friday?

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Scraps at their Best

This week's prompt was log cabin blocks
 so I made a row along the bottom of the quilt.
It was a great block to do because there are so many strips and little bits to use up.  I made a very loose style for the block, using varying widths to achieve the 6 1/2" block.
While I was in the sewing room, I started doodling for the table runner which I will make in March. 
This is still my favorite way to envision a new quilt-paper and pen!
Of course, I am making shamrocks!
I worked for more than an hour cutting the 2 1/2" squares
 needed for three shamrocks.
I cut out enough for the runner, I hope! 
 I didn't count the green and green-ish squares; 
 I just cut up scraps I could find--I am sure clearing out my scraps!  (see Lena hard at work with me?!)

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Wood 'n Wool

Shape a 3" x 3" x 6" piece of  black walnut wood; sand it and sand it...
Apply the friction paste, the Danish oil and the wax.
Finally, assemble all the parts and put it to use! 
 What a fun little wood turning project!
One sock is finished!  
This one is made from KnitPicks Muse-a good color of blue-ish grey to wear with jeans. 
 I just tweaked my usual little lace insert 
by placing a purl stitch on either side of the 4 lace stitches!
The second sock is well on its way 
and another dishcloth is added to the gift pile.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

A Face Lift

I covered the cushions on the bench inside our front door
 but it wasn't enough of a perk.
I peeled off the old dark trim.
 (I had to use the heat gun to soften the glue) 
and sanded down the rest of the residue off.
Then I took the whole bench outside to paint it! 
 It took all three cans to cover the dark wood. 
 It was a beautifully warm day and the coats dried in no time.
I brought it in just as the sky darkened and the rain began!
  Yes, this was the look I was going for!
The print on the upholstery is kitchen-y without being kitchy!
See, it looks light and airy and new. 
 I'm pleased with the days work! 
 (the orange cat scratch/toy really goes well with the bench, too!) lol


Monday, February 22, 2021

The Flowers Know

The camellias are falling from the bush-it won't be long now and they will be done.  They have bloomed since the end of October so it has been a long season of viewing.
They are going just when the azaleas are popping out all over!  This row of bushes get the most sun and they are always first to bloom!  The other side of the driveway will be a month behind.
The beautiful iris is blooming-it's nice to see they survived the frosts this winter!
The crown of thorns was wrinkled from the frost a month ago but it began to bloom a few days ago and looks very happy now-it is such a relief because this was from a friend!
Off to the doctor's today to get a good report about my eyes is the plan!  What are you up to today?

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Tile and Wood

The day was much chillier but it was dry and a good day to work on the chimney!  I finished the first side and even began work on the other;  what a good feeling!  It looks so good with the grout--it has been several years without it, if you can believe it. 
 Very unlike me to begin and not finish a project.  
But it is happening now and that is what counts!  
 I cleaned the house-a really deep clean and for a reward (after a piece of chocolate) I worked at finding a way to try and save that cracked bowl.  Well, it almost beat me but I made it shorter-removing the cracked inch and then another crack opened here on the side.  I sanded and rounded it out after breaking out the loose bit and applied the sealing spray and voila!  
It is a cute little 4 x 4" artsy bowl!

After church today (in person and I wore the new cardigan!) I will work some more on the chimney and then enjoy a nap!

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Safe Harbor

I had my time at the chimney cut short when the rain blew into the porch and the area I was working!  
I was stopped in my tracks at the lathe when a crack developed and blew the bowl off the lathe.  I tried to seal it with CA glue and hold it with a vise grip but it immediately opened up again when mounted on the lathe.  It will go on a back burner while I think about a remedy.
I gave into the flow of the day like the cats and sat and watched YouTube and made a sock.....ahhh, like coming into a safe harbor after a storm!

Friday, February 19, 2021

Soft and Hard

The cardigan is finished being knit and here it is drying because the lace part really needs blocking!  Comfy yarn from KnitPicks, 8 skeins, Size 5 and 7 needles, top-down knit with the pattern, Hyacinth Cardigan from Webs.  I didn't need this yesterday as the temps were up to a sunny 87*!  Don't worry, it will drop down again and the 3/4 length sleeves will be just right!

I did a bit of cleaning on my pile of wood that was just piled in the corner;  the shelf is from the house we cleaned out--it is neat and orderly now!  I'm pleased with the look and the organization of it!
While working in the workshop, I couldn't resist starting another little bowl-this one is made of Sycamore.  It looks a lot like the Magnolia to me and it did the strange coloring thing of the wood when exposed to air.  Who knew?  Come to find out, a lot of trees do that!  Interesting.
I will be making a live edge with bark on this one, too.  It's going to be a fun hour in the shop today!
Oh, and this is another one of the home projects I am working on!  The bottom of one of the doors came loose and about 15 slats had fallen out--it was a very tricky job to get the slats in place so I could hammer the side back in place to hold everything!  But I  did it!  (both eyes are pain-free and feeling normal--what a gift.  It's been a long 3 weeks!  I think the latest meds finally kicked in, thank you Lord!)


We took a day to go to downtown Jacksonville to the MOSH and expose the kids to some smiling adults instead of sobbing ones. We had a very g...