Saturday, February 13, 2021

Live from Fernandina Beach

We drove up to see youngest son and family for our Christmas-finally! 
 Between Covid and normal winter colds,
 we have postponed out get together too many times to count!  After a quick check that all were well, we loaded up the car and were on our way....until we hit a traffic snarl on 95north and I mean a snarl.  We were held up almost an hour--
thankful for my knitting during times of stress!  
This sweater has 3/4 length sleeves
 so I will have them done in no time!

Stay tuned!



  1. That's a beautiful sweater! You flew through the lace part.

  2. What a beautiful sweater. Enjoy your belated Christmas celebration. Hugs all around!

  3. Isn't there always a traffic jam on I-95?
    That sweater is really pretty. I love the lace along the bottom.

  4. You are getting it done! Lovely sweater. Glad you were able to have fun! We had Family Movie night tonight. It was so much fun!

  5. Glad you finally got to see your son and family... it's been hard hasn't it... Your sweater is just beautiful! xx


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!