Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Work is Pleasure

The best part of these wonky stars is that it uses up every little scrap-even left over piano key slices!  Do you see that Lena is on my work table with me and in the front right, you might've noticed a bit of salted dark chocolate....fuel for the brain!

I finished quite a few before the sunshine warmed things up 
and I went outside!
In the same way we like to work on UFO's in the sewing room, there are plenty of UnFinishedObjects around the house, too.  Like the outside fireplace chimney that I needed to grout.  (only two sides still need to be done.)  It took me an hour to do these 12 tiles!  It will be slow going but I am going to get it done while the weather is mild so I don't overheat!
Don't look up--and see how many more rows there are to do!  Every job looks daunting if you look at all you have to do;  better to see how much you DID get done and then keep going!
Speaking of getting going....I turned one of the Sapele wood blanks I received for Christmas.  The bottom is done; once I turn it around, I can begin to hollow out the bowl portion.  It is a beautiful wood to work with -what a treat!
This was my mild 72* view from the garage; 
 you can see my chair for taking breaks
 and my wood pile which is waiting to be cut up and stacked! 
 (I need an electric chain saw!)


  1. Love your view and all your projects (well, maybe not the grout - LOL). That will be a gorgeous bowl and those stars just crack me up. Brain fuel is a very good thing!

  2. Umm, I’ll pull my chair up and sit beside you and enjoy the view and a chat.

  3. I want a chair next to you and Nancy! Please?! The warmth looks so inviting and the view is beautiful.
    I like the brain food you've chosen. Salted dark chocolate is my favorite treat. That wood is so pretty. You have lots of projects to choose from, but I'm with Vera. I'm not good with grout at all. I tried a couple of times and have decided it's not for me.

  4. I have an electric chain saw and I love it. It's just a little one but it gets the job done. I bought a tool that holds the wood up nice and high so I can go to town on a small tree in no time.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!