Tuesday, February 2, 2021

No Tears

Finally, the sweater yarn order arrived!  I am making this sweater, the Hyacinth Cardigan, out of KnitPicks' Comfy yarn which is a Pima Cotton/Acrylic blend.  
I couldn't wait to cast on for this top down raglan sweater.  I've made it before but it has been a while and I am looking forward to knitting it!
In between activities yesterday, I did paint this Caribbean scene.  I think I am missing warmer temps--these nights in the 30's are hard to take!

As for my eyes, I have some adjustments to make to learn to live with this condition so lovingly called chronic dry eyes.  Since I am not making enough tears, my eyelids are scratching my cornea;, hence, the excruciating pain and blurry vision.  I have to stick with the night drops and then use the lubricating drops every hour during the day to give me some relief.  The hard part is to learn that there is ONLY relief and not a cure for this. 


  1. Hope the drops give you the relief you need. My friend has that same condition (though she does not have to use drops as frequently). That will be a very pretty sweater!

  2. Ouch. The doctor thought my thrush was related to a condition that also causes dry eyes. So far my eyes seem fine. Maybe a little scratchy here and there. No cure for that either. Ugh.
    I want to be in your watercolor. Our snow is a cold, slushy mess and I am over it. Muddy snow? No thanks.

  3. I'm sorry to hear about your dry eyes. My MIL has the same condition and I know it's not fun at all.
    Your painting is beautiful. I think we're all anxious for spring this year.
    That green is so pretty. It looks like emeralds. I hope today is a better day and your eyes at least get some relief.

  4. Did your doctor mention Refresh PM? It’s a thick ointment (applied at night) for dry eyes. It helps me and might work for you too. Ask your doctor about this OTC ointment.

  5. Lovely little painting. I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I guess relief is better than nothing.

  6. What a pretty sweater that's going to be! Hope your vision improves soon!!

  7. You paint BEAUTIFULLY!! I love the warm scene... ah, Spring and Summer, come on, get here!! I've lived with chronic dry eye since my early 20s. My eye doctor recommended GenTeal Eye Lubricant for Severe Dry Eye -- it does an amazing job of relieving all the scratchiness and pain. I've been using it for years. It's OTC and least expensive at Walmart. (My eye doctor gives me samples a lot of the time to help out.) Blessings to you!!


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I worked hard to sew the last 5 rows together and then to the top 5 which were already sewn pre-Sepsis!  It was a lot of work and stumbling ...