Friday, February 5, 2021

Geese Flying South

I made my flying geese a very tradition setting this week!
It was a good exercise to get those points spot on!
No, this isn't a paid commercial but due to the helpful advice from blog-friends, Bill was able to purchase some serious dry eye combatants for me!  I am feeling much relief finally and might I just say, it is WONDERFUL to see clearly again!  (and no pain!)


  1. Ha ha....I just got the same order from Amazon yesterday. My doc was right. Now that I am noticing it my eyes are as dry as my mouth so now I am treating both and feeling better. Our Maltese always suffered from dry eyes and as a result- eye infections so I knew just what to get. It's what the vet ordered. That's stuff ain't cheap I might say but the relief is real.

  2. Glad to read that your eyes are feeling better. Pretty quilt!

  3. So glad to hear you've found something that helps!
    I love your geese!

  4. I read your title and thought "What?", spring is supposed to be coming, then I saw it was about your quilt. Silly me. :-)
    I'm so glad the drops are helping you. I've been praying you would find some relief.

  5. Nice job on the flying geese rows. The quilt is coming together nicely. Happ to hear your eyes are feeling better.

  6. You know it is funny but my log says I starting reading your blog on Feb 7th. WE have an anniversary coming up!!! I love your geeese .

  7. Geese Flying South is beautiful. Glad you found something to help your dry eye. Your square camphor bowls are beauties too!

  8. All right! Tell your Bill good job! I'm so glad your eyes are feeling better! Your quilt is wonderful! Beautifully done, Cindy!!

  9. It looks great so far. Thanks for sewing along.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!