Thursday, February 4, 2021


I made another square bowl;  this time out of Camphor.  
This is 6" x 6" and 3" deep.  
This one will be a surprise for my youngest son this weekend--we have our postponed Christmas celebration finally!  Since he is one who works in construction and remodeling, he 'gets it' about my love of wooden objects!

I can't wait to see his face when he opens it!
I spent a long time in the woodshop expanding my work area by cleaning and organizing Bill's stuff and making more room.  I have moved my lathe 'dresser' back by 4' ; 
 I have plans for the space I've made.
And last of all, I loaded a small section of camphor which is junction of several branches. 
 It should be an interesting little project.
I'm finding I can work best early in the day as my eyes are too blurry as the day progresses.  So that is what I can do and use the rest of the time for other kinds of work/creativity!

Here is something to make you smile!
My Dad celebrated his 88th birthday yesterday!
(he was on his tractor, 
snow blowing his driveway earlier in the day!)
And FYI, he is using the square bowl I made him
to hold his candy on the stand next to his chair!


  1. I wondered whether Grandpa's bowl would hold his candy! Fun to picture it. Also fun to see this chunk of wood before it gets transformed!

  2. I can't get past that enormous pineapple upside down cake. It's my favorite and now it's all I am going to think about all day! What a beauty.

  3. Gorgeous bowl - that lovely grain makes my heart sing!

  4. happy birthday to your Dad! Pineapple upside down cake was the first thing I learned to bake on my own (it was for a badge for Brownies), so I have a soft spot for it!

  5. That is a gorgeous bowl...I think my favorite so far. Your son is going to love it.
    Happy Birthday to your Dad. What a wonderful looking cake! I'm sure he was thrilled with his bowl too. Setting out by his chair is the perfect place for all to see it!

  6. Your wood-working skills are really growing. Love the square bowl design.
    Your dad looks like he's in great shape and enjoying life.

  7. That's the first time in ages that I've seen a pineapple upside down cake, and I'll bet it was as yummy as it looks. Hope he had a very happy day! I love the bowl for your son. Nice job!


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.