Friday, January 14, 2022


 I woke up feeling very good yesterday!  
 I made my own breakfast and after catching up on the computer decided to strip my bed after being sick! 
 It was going well  until I tripped over the cord of the heated mattress pad that decided to die-- that left me with one hand to catch myself and down I went full weight on my right hand. 
 The pain was truly blinding white!  
I staggered to my ph and called Bill--
I didn't pass out but it was close!  
This is the ironic choice of magazine to stabilize my wrist for travel--a Mary Maxim catalog! It's going to be a while before I can do any hand work!  It's not only to awkwardness of the brace, 
it is the  searing pain when you try to do something 
with the fingers, too. 
 Okay, enough whining from me--what creative project are you working on today?!!

(Primary care physician couldn't see a break but referred me to a hand specialist which I see on Tuesday.  Until then the brace. 
 I am wearing a glove because my hand is numb-cold- and the brace is abrasive so the glove helps on both counts.  I might need to cut off the fingertip of the pointer finger so my electronics respond to me! 
My immediate need is to work on being ambidextrous!)


  1. Oh, good golly..if it's not one thing it's another. That really had to hurt. And talk about cramping your crafting style-just when you were starting to feel better too. That's a cautionary tale for me because I've been tripping over stuff a lot lately myself. That raggedy plastic I have on the floor is a major hazard and needs to go.

  2. Oh Cindy, I'm so, so sorry. That has to be excruciating on so many levels. I hope you are feeling better from covid, but to have an injured hand too. It's just too much. I'm going to be praying for a very fast recovery for you and that it's not broken, just bruised badly or something.
    Blessings and BIG hugs,

  3. Oh my goodness, that sounds terrible :(. And not to have to wait so long for someone to examine it and decide what treatment it needs, especially with numbness. Is there no Emergency Room nearby? Hoping you can find something to ease the pain in the meantime, and sending warm good wishes for a speedy recovery.

  4. Oh no! Prayers for quick healing and a return to the things you love to do. Until then, I am sure the kitties will appreciate left handed rubs!

  5. I am so sorry you are hurt. Sending my love your way.

  6. Oh no! I think you're definitely allowed to whine about that!!!!

  7. Yikes! I only found out about your arm today and saw your most recent post. So sorry to hear about your fall; hope that hand of yours heals quickly! Hugs.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!