Sunday, January 2, 2022


I actually made some time for the lathe! 
 The bowl went pretty smoothly, though the wood is still very green and soft but I was more prepared this time. 
 I'm hoping there will be no surprises in the way of cracks
 over the next few days!
This is what the log looked like when I started out!
Some birthday Fellici to start out the year with sock number 1 !!!!  I worked until I had gone through all of the colors
 in this striped yarn!
I am going to be playing with a theme for this month with watercolors;  I am going to paint moon gates and gateways into the future!  This one is drawn and painted in my notebook to try out shapes and colors and when I feel good about it, 
it will go on 8 x 10" quality paper for framing.  
I am going to work on patience
 and enjoy all of the elements of my subjects! 
 (well, that's the plan!)


  1. Nice work! Those socks are going to be pretty.

  2. Your new watercolor is lovely! My poor craft rooms are so filled with junk that I can't even get in there. I was just moaning about not being able to make soap and I was thinking of switching the rooms so I would have access to the downstairs bathroom but that seems like so much work. Sitting here on the couch seems like a better idea for the New Year! Lol....

  3. Bowls, socks and watercolors. Is there nothing you can't do and do it beautifully? I love all of them. Felici is beauiful yarn to knit with isn't it?
    Hope you're having a lovely Sunday. We had to stay home because of icy road and lots of Covid in the church.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!