Wednesday, January 26, 2022


Bill dropped me off for my annual series of MRI's of brain, neck and mid-back.  I have to do all three without contrast and then repeat it all with contrast.  I'm glad I have two arms because the first IV blew out within seconds!  The second arm held for the rest of the scans!  Two hours later, my brain was on overload from the noise alone!
These roses were outside the imaging center-very beautiful but they must've been a hybrid because they had no aroma!  
This is where I spent two hours!  I close my eyes before I go into the tube and that works for me so I don't feel claustrophobic!
After the imaging, we went to St. Augustine to the orthopedic doctor to get the report on my wrist!  It was a very good report, I am pleased to say;  I don't have to have a hard cast but I was surprised by the restrictions still in place!  I asked him for treatment for crafting withdrawals and he laughed! 
I was only half joking!
 I don't go back for another 4 weeks.
Just down the road was the ocean;  this used to be 100' of beach!  Hurricane Matthew changed so much of the beach front!
At the end of the cement break wall was this slip of beach in front of a big hotel.  There were birds and one lone surfer out--it was very blustery and cold in the 50's!
We went to have an ice cream to end out day out but the shop was closed.  We turned around in this little strip mall and there was this little shop!  It was delicious homemade ice cream and a nice artsy place-we sat down inside because there were only Bill and I and one other man.  After the hour drive home, I promptly took a nap in front of the fire for 3 1/2 hours!  


  1. What an ordeal! My son broke his back playing hockey years ago and I had to sit through all that with him several times and it was no fun. He spent his 11th grade year flat on his back because of it. That was no fun.

  2. I'm glad the MRI's are behind you for another year. As I've told you, I know they are no fun. I'm sorry you're still on craft restriction, that has to be so frustrating for you.
    Oh, to be able to take a walk on the beach. I'm ready!

  3. Back to back appointments are exhausting. I know what you mean about the MRI noise. I used to sing songs in my head as a distraction. I can’t have MRIs now because of my pacemaker. I’m happy you found the perfect ice cream shop - a reward after a long day.

  4. You definitely deserved and icecream after all that!

    I actually don't mind the MRI. I usually have to try not to fall asleep!


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.