Saturday, January 15, 2022


Since there was little to do in the house,
 I went in search of easy jobs in the front yard.
  I did enjoy a new azalea bush coming to color!
And the last camellia bush is finally blooming! 
 We picked up and removed tons of items-me of minor assistance and Bill doing the bulk of the work. 
 It was nice to be outside anyway 
because It was sunny and pleasant 67*.
After dinner, the cats all congregated in the living room.
  This is highly unusual as the 'girls' have a tenuous relationship
 to put it mildly.   

The reason for this truce; 
Bill built a fire because our nights have been in the 40's 
which is cool for us.  
The cats are drawn to it like moths to a light!



  1. I don’t blame the cats for congregating there — smart move! :) I expect our two are going to be antsy today ahead of the big system that’s coming…they always seem to know!

  2. Who doesn't love a nice warm fire? It's rare to see it but one of our kitties stretched out in front of the wood stove the other night. Usually they steer clear of the fire.

  3. Your living room looks so cozy and comfy. I can understand why the cats would congregate there too. We ended up with about 7 inches of snow. Dennis just finished snowblowing the sidewalks up and down the hill on both sides and Mom's and our driveways.
    I'm glad you're feeling up to being outside now.
    Blessings and love,

  4. No outside fun here... it's FREEZING! Burton is in my lap every night! Relic on the arm of the chair, and Rupert usually finds a space to squeeze into.

  5. Sunshine is the best cure! Well, not for hand injuries, but at least the soul.

  6. Sunshine sure perks one up, doesn't it? Hope your hand is a bit better by now. Enjoy those flowers; we won't be seeing any for quite awhile. There are a few signs of future daffodils though.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!