Thursday, January 16, 2025


I loaded up the table runner and worked on it throughout yesterday.  I cut out the binding and stitched it on only I sewed it to the wrong side so I had to finish the binding by hand--no longer an easy job for me!  (I sew my bindings on and have for years but obviously I forgot what I was doing!)
But even with the binding delay, I had the runner done by bedtime last night!  This is my first pieced/quilted project of 2025! 
 (and the first in 4+ months!)


  1. And it's wonderful!! I just hand bound a quilt on Sunday and a pillow last night. My hands are getting a bit sensitive to the tiny needle and all that push/pull motion!

  2. A fantastic finish! Mom and I always debate over hand sewing or machine sewing bindings. She prefers to machine, I like to do it by hand!

  3. You did it! I'm so happy for you. I know how frustrated you've been. The runner is beautiful.

  4. It's absolutely fabulous! Well done you!


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