Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Prickles and Snuggles

 The road side of our yard has this natural fence of Yuccas Bill planted just a few years ago and they are blooming!
 You have to stand back to view them-the end of every leaf has a needle sharp edge!  The head of blooms is almost two feet high!
 Yesterday, I got to spend the day with Cassandra and Ella; she has grown so  much but she is still full of smiles!
 This silliness is brought on by her favorite comic-
-her Dad!  He came home from work a little earlier than expected so I got to visit with him, too;  wonderful!
This morning.....soap is happening while the usual morning chores unfold!


  1. That is one happy baby!

    Yucca grows up here, too, and for some reason, there are lots of older cemeteries with yuccas growing in them. I love the flowers.

  2. nothing like a happily giggling baby to make one smile, too:) she seems to have a lot of fun there!

    and the yucca flower stalk is gorgeous! my parents used to have one in the garden, but it became so big (in their rather small garden) that it was a real danger with those leaf spikes:( I thought I could put one out over here, but they didn't like the very cold winters a few years ago:(

  3. Adorable Ella!

    Love the bright-jewel colors of the soaps this time around.

  4. Sooo cute!

    I hope you've been enjoying the "especially for you" plant shots on our travel blog. It will soon be done so enjoy them while you can!


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!