Saturday, June 7, 2014

Quiet Activities

 I woke up to a quiet house this morning......missing company and Bill was gone for a few hours.
When I began the morning chores, I noticed this little fisherman in the pool area!   Just too cute.  Since the temperatures were pretty warm even for morning, she might have been cooling herself off by the wicking method!  What do you think?!
 I enjoyed weeding and trimming in the front flower gardens first thing-good motion then and least pain and it is in the shade!  It was a good exercise.   I moved inside after a bit and tackled this quilt.  It sure goes together quickly!   (The pic bothers me that the row of red/navy little stars on the right look brown....)
 I made myself tackle something that has been a hurdle for me to try-soldering.  (you know with a tool and melting the solder along a line...etc.)  This little frame was a gift from my daughter when Abigail was born (10 yrs ago) and the solder came off the middle portion where the hinge sits so it has been put away in a drawer for several years.   I saw it today and said , "Enough! No more intimidation!"  I got out my supplies and soldered!  Like most things where you think yourself into a corner-it turned out to be fairly easy and straight forward.  It is repaired and sitting out where I can see it and get myself in gear and tackle the stained glass work next!
 This quilt top takes a bit longer but I am adding a row every day!
I finished the garter stitch increase area and can begin the fun part of the chart area!  It is also in garter so it is slowly growing but at least you can easily remember the chart and just knit.  I need some auto-pilot knitting!


  1. Love the color combinations in the quilt tops!
    That's a mighty brave little critter so close to all that water (though it looks mighty good to me!).

  2. Stain glass is beautiful. I love the color combination of your quilting. I don't think I've seen a critter so close to a pool. Looks like he's enjoying himself.

  3. The picture of Sketch is adorable!

    Bravo on conquering the soldering. :)

  4. I took a jewelry class in high school and used to love soldering!

  5. hmmm... They do look brown, but is that just the way the camera sees it?

  6. As long as there are no catfish in the pool, your kitty is safe.

    The quilts are coming along splendidly! Love the one with the purple border.

    And soldering - what don't you do?

  7. The shawl I am knitting is stocking stitch (stockinette, sorry) but would also look lovely as garter stitch and save those interminable rows of purl stitches which seem to take forever!It's the Hippy Hippy Shawl on Ravelry, part of "Grab Bag Challenge"


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!