Thursday, February 5, 2015

Consistent Time Investments (CTI's)

 My parents taught me that a minute shouldn't be wasted if you want to finish a particular project.  Too many times people waste a 10 or 15 minute block of time thinking it isn't enough to really count towards their goals!  You couldn't be more wrong!  (My parents teach by example-still, they have never been big on lectures but always by their own actions.)
 I have the quilting done on my flower basket quilt all because of many little time investments. I just can't stand (or sit) there for hours any more so I just work for 15 minutes at a time.  And now it is done!  Granted, it isn't as speedy this way but I have a finished quilt !
 I cut the binding strips and got them pressed.  I will be sewing them on today.  I have to decide if I will be able to do the binding in the two-step, hand sewing way or all by machine.
 I used another short time slot and loaded the next quilt onto the frame.  I have to decide how to quilt this.  I am thinking a pantograph this time.
 I finished the socks for Caleb-a nice pair of size 12/13 socks!
And even a wee pair for Elijah so he has a pair like Dad!  What grand things will you accomplish this week, little steps at a time!?


  1. I couldn't agree with you more. I can only work in short bursts of time before the dreaded project killer-boredom sets in but I still get plenty of things done.
    The quilt is gorgeous. I can see every second you put into it and I am amazed.

  2. Yes! I have discovered the wonders of grabbing little bits of time to get things done. And it does work :) Those quilts are so colorful and beautiful

  3. Where! Way to go! The basket quilt is looking good!

    I'm slowly ploughing through my projects -- the impetus formed by my January intensive keeps moving me forward even though I've had only one sewing day this week. Summer break is over, my activities outside the home have resumed so there's not as much time for sewing as there was! And I went all of January without knitting a single stitch!


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!