Wednesday, July 22, 2015

TDF 2015 Day 17 --Yes, it's Me!

I did a bit of simplifying on the blog layout.  I hope it works out for both this author and for you!

I have carded some more of the Gulf Native fleece for the other is very relaxing to hand pick the fiber and then feed it into the carder.  It comes out looking like a Santa's beard!  I then stretch it out to make my own roving (rope of fiber) so it is ready to spin.
I ended up with 300 yards of 2 ply yarn fingering weight yarn. 
It will be nice to knit with this wool when I am done with this spin-a-thon! 
The cowl is in the naughty bucket for a bit!  Like a fool, I knit until I ran out of yarn (like when I am going to add another color only this was the last color and I should have bound off the row before this!  It was not fun to unknit all 360 stitches!  I finished it and then didn't feel like playing with it any more today!  It will wait for me.......
I finished Mom's quilt!  I will have a better show 'n tell picture when I can get Bill to hold it up for me outside! 
I have the first (or last really...) rows all sewn together!  It is really shaping up! 
Millie brought me two more quilts that need quilting!  This one is from a box of vintage 9 patches she acquired.  She had to trim them to a uniform size and then sewed them with the white blocks.  Its so much nicer to have these beautiful blocks in a quilt finally!  The fabrics are a great catalog of old fabrics! 
I'm doing some simple stitching for this new, old quilt!


  1. Your yarn turned out beautiful!! And the quilts!! gorgeous! You certainly do beautiful work.

  2. Your spun yarn is gorgeous. Do you have a pattern picked out for it already?

  3. Ooooh.....that Gulf Coast looks so yummy! The vintage quilt must be so much fun to work with. As for that naughty cowl, ouch. That's a lot of tinking.

  4. Haha, it does look like Santa's beard! Your mom's quilt looks great. I'm intrigued with your big rollers you work the quilts on. How cool is that? I know that sense of frustration fixing an issue with a lot of stitches. It's good to put it in time out. You'll definitely enjoy it if not be less frustrated with it next time you pick it up. Looks good :)

  5. Ugh, naughty bucket indeed...I would have thrown it out the front door! :) The quilts are gorgeous. Love how Millie laid out the blocks on that one; it's very striking...and you know my fondness for fabrics from that era!


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.