Wednesday, November 11, 2015

We Interrupt This Week....

For a ton of doctor appointments.
And tests.
And labs.
And exhaustion.
But, we did get a bit turned around and ended up driving by the famous St Augustine lighthouse.
We just looked.
We weren't up to climbing it! 
Today, we talked to this guy-he was the hit for live entertainment during lunch following 3 hours of MRI tube time!
I haven't done anything else blog worthy.  I am just too tired.


  1. The lighthouse is very pretty. Rest up during the times you are not doctor-hopping and don't apologize for it! <3

  2. Poor you! Other than good knitting time, doctor trips are awful.
    That lighthouse is beautiful. We did a New England tour tracking down the most famous ones with Mom years ago. I just got the VHS turned into DVD and it is so amazing seeing the young me traipsing through the brush with her in search of her beautiful beacons.

  3. 3 hours! Oh my condolences. Ugh! and I thought an hour was bad.

  4. Yuck, I'm sending you my best! I'm sorry about all the medical appointments/tests the worst. And the exhaustion it's brought with it. I'm glad you found a "beacon" of good in your day. get it? ha!

  5. That lighthouse is one of my favorite places in Florida.

    Hope the dr. appointment and tests all work out well. You'll be in my prayers.

  6. How have I missed that lighthouse!! Must get to St Aug in March or next summer. I have to admit, in 25 years I have never climbed Ponce's lighthouse. I hate heights, but love lighthouses. Go figure.


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.