Friday, March 31, 2017

New Sock

I started a new pair of socks.
Sweaters, shawls, hats and mitts are great knits, don't get me wrong
 but there is nothing like a pair of socks on the needles to feel like home!
KnitPicks Stroll Handpaint in Tropical colorway.
Size 1 1/2 needle over 64 stitches.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Holding Pattern

 During the morning, it looks like this!
I have the two boys this week.... 
 One of the ladies my Mom knows was saying she needed to make a quilt block for a grandson's wedding but she was clueless on how to make a block.  
Mom volunteered to help her out.
So we made a butterfly block for her to send out!
Easy when you know what you are doing!
 In the afternoon when little one is down for his nap, I get to do some knitting!
This is the Hap for Harriet shawl.
Will is getting to do this!
We are both ready for some slow time in the afternoons!

Saturday, March 25, 2017

New Digs and Dogs!

 Caleb and Cassandra are buying their first home!
 The house is brand new and their neighbors are even newer than they are!
 See what I mean!?
 After our tour, we went back to their home for lunch and then over to the beach for a visit!
This was the first time my parents have been to the beach this winter!
 The kids didn't take too long to get ready to head over there-they love the wide open space and to be able to be as loud as the ocean!
Caleb taught me how to find shark's teeth on the beach and he gave me an assignment today, too.
You have to look at sand like this-
 to find a little tooth like this!
(Mine is the one on the right-the one only 1/4" in size-the big one is Caleb's! 
 He has hundred's!
 On the way, I finished Will's fitted socks.  The color is pretty true here.
Will said this picture wasn't good, I needed to have them on his feet!
 So I take this picture and again, he isn't satisfied.
He says this is better.....

...but they need to be modeled-his words.
Well, I have to admit, he is right.  
This is a MUCH better picture than my ideas!

(The yarn is WanderingCatYarns, Alley Cat base and the I Wanna be a Cowboy colorway,
size 2.5mm needles over 48 stitches)

Friday, March 24, 2017

Knitting Stash?

Every time I open this end table to look for a needle or magazine,
 I have this adorable helper to fill my space.
And I love it!
Little Lena is growing up!
I was given a very large garbage bag of balls of acrylic yarn.
I almost said no but then I thought it would make a good scrap afghan for a nursing home resident.
Here I go!
(I haven't crocheted in ages and now I have two projects in as many months!)

Thursday, March 23, 2017

For the Record-

A Hap for Harriet by Kate Davies.
A new shawl on the needles.  
#7 needles and the over-dyed hand-spun Shetland yarn. 
This is consolation knitting....  
 Goodbyes are horrible on every level.
My Son and his family have left for home today.
 I am very grateful for the time we shared during their visit in spite of the joys of sick little girls-the stomach bug came all the way from Washington to share this visit!
I so loved the 'in person' snuggles and books and laughs; 
 while Skype connects us the rest of the year, 
this was SO much sweeter....

We didn't get to do everything we had planned on but thoroughly enjoyed being together for golf cart rides, pool time and sharing the kids.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

A Good Head Topper

Yarn from the stash, Lion Brand Wool Ease, in worsted weight on #8 needles.
The pattern is called Dad's Hat.
A fast and relaxing knit with an easy cable panel.
What more could you ask for in a hat?
Bedtime privileges.....
They think I am just reading to them but actually, I am getting long snuggles!

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Little Socks

When Will saw me knitting with this yarn for my own socks, he mentioned that he needed grandma socks because he didn't fit in his anymore!  
I like the way the colors show up in the smaller size-48 stitches for his size 9 feet.
I made a cardboard pattern for his foot
 so I could make him some fitted socks now that he is older.
On to making this one's pair!

Monday, March 20, 2017

2017-One Quarter Down

I started this little teddy bear sweater before Christmas, I think, and pulled it out while looking for something else and thought I should finish it!
It only took a few hours to make it a done deal.
The instructions are written for a sweater in four pieces in the flat.
I had to ramp it up a bit by knitting it top down in one piece, of course!  lol
It worked!
We started out chilly at 42F today but will be heating up to a delicious 82F !
That is a great way to celebrate the Vernal Equinox!
Happy Spring to you!

Saturday, March 18, 2017

RSC2017 March

 I had a quiet day since my Washington Cherries went to the beach to see his brother.
I completed my blocks for March, the red ones, and am pleased with how it's going!
I timed myself for piecing one block (not counting the cutting process) and I require thirteen minutes  to complete it!  I have a good assembly line worked out!
Lena did a naughty-she ate through my yarn for this hat!  I knit for several rows not noticing my ball of yarn had fallen off my recliner and onto the floor....
Yes, she did it again!  Joins are so much fun!

Friday, March 17, 2017

Rambling Toes....

I have a completed pair of socks in the Petty Harbour pattern in
Wandering Cat Yarn's superwash Merino/nylon I Wanna be a Cowboy colorway.
I worked these over 64 stitches on a number 1 needle -a new try for me over more stitches but they fit wonderfully-probably because this pattern is a broken rib variation. 
 Nice texture and an interesting knit.

Fewer grands around.....
Seattle kids still struggling to feel well.
We're making the best of it and enjoying the time together!

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Blooms and Blessings

 The Amaryllis is in winter bloom!  They make such a great showing this time of year!
 This is two plants with two blooms each.
 The Lowquats are ready to eat!
Some people call these Japanese plums.
Whatever you call them, they taste wonderful good!
 We got the kids together against all odds for a pic with their great-grandparents!
This should've taken place when we first arrived instead of just before we left!
The men have done a bit of this........let the record show, Jared won.
                                                And some of this-biggest catch of the day!

I've done a bit of knitting but finished naught, so sewing, lots of family time which is the point~

Monday, March 13, 2017

Just Imagine!

 We celebrated Abigail and David's birthdays since we were all together!
 Their birthdays are in March and April but we rarely get to see them so it was fun to celebrate early!
 We had those who loved the sun 
 and those who loved the shade!
It was nice to have a choice!  
The day was predicted to be cloudy and rainy but as usual, we disregarded the report and had a wonderful day for a grill out!
And the coup de gras for this Mom-
all four of my children together for worship on Sunday.
7 of my 8 grands were present, too!

Saturday, March 11, 2017

A Little Red in My Day!

I added one dark red in the busies of having my peoples here!
All four grown children and their families are here!
There are 17 people under the roof!
It is wonderful chaos and I am loving it!!!!
(When do I sew-very early in the morning before too many grandbabies awaken!)

Friday, March 10, 2017

Silly Kitty!

 Sitting in the sunshine minding her own business.....
 ...when along comes that cell phone camera!
So there!
 Oh, and I finished the sock!
 I enjoyed the texture up the foot and leg.
I continued a little bit up the leg and then did a 1 x 1 rib for the cuff.  I already cast on the second one!

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Coming to Momma Hen

 Yesterday, Bill and I took a trip to Jacksonville airport-on the way we cross the Dames Point Bridge.
 I always check out the ships loading up in Mayport.
 We took the trip to pick up our Washington Cherries-the best kind!  (wife and Mama came, too, but she was taking pictures like me so neither one of us were in the pictures! lol)
 Tonight after dinner, we were surprised to see not one or two but a whole flock of turkeys at the birdfeeder behind the pool screening!  There was one king and many females in his harem!
We counted 18 in this flock!   It was so nice to have the whole gang visit again!
(By the end of the week-all four of my children will be here with their families!  Here me clucking them here ?!) 
I am making a little bit of progress on the new pair of socks on the needles-I found time to knit on the way to church while it was still light!
The sock yarn is from Wandering Cat Yarn and it is their superwash Merino/nylon blend in the I wanna be a Cowboy colorway!
I'm working on 2.50 mm needles over 64sts but is is a nice fit with the pattern Petty Harbor that has some rib stretch in it!  A nice knit and color!


The phlox are blooming along our highways!   So pretty and much better than mowing it all down! I've not done much but a little painting...