Monday, July 23, 2007

A Day of Firsts

Today I have done something to celebrate a new era of my life, I am joining the community of knitting/spinning bloggers! This year has held a host of new activities-mainly retiring and moving from the Northeast to the Southeast which has been a dream since I was 12 years old. Gratefully, the man I married was blessed with the same inclination and we have aimed for this goal for 31 years!

(Thank you to my 'tech guy' , my daughter!)


  1. I still can't believe you're old enough to retire!!! Welcome to the blogging can be addictive!

  2. I'm singing you the "I'm proud of you" song...!

  3. Yay! It's always good to have another blog to read...and I LOVE spinning, so I'll definitely be back.


Thanks for taking the time to let me know you stopped by to read my blog! If you can't get the blog to accept a comment-email me! If you don't have a blog yourself, use my email so I can then email you back-I love to respond to those who leave comments! Thanks!


It's been a hard week, we started out with a bad reaction to meds, then getting a new one.  It is so hard to get in touch with the docto...