Monday, January 21, 2008

Good Company-Bad Weather

Had a great visit with my brother and sister-in-law but the temps stayed cool and rainy. Now the cool is relative, I realize it is not northern cold but cool to us considering just a few days before they arrived it was 80 but the whole time they visited we saw little of the sun-one day hit 70 and the sun was nice, the wind was not! Oh, well, my brother put it in perspective-I'm not shoveling!
Here is something new-we have lawn in the winter! Bill planted winter rye. It is a lovely soft lawn but will not grow in the summer-the sun kills it then. We will be overplanting this with the Bahia grass in a few months and the rye will help the new grass establish itself. The plan is to have the Bahia mature just as the rye dies off so that we will have a lawn in the summer, too!

Some plants love the weather no matter the temperatures.....and others just look sad We are hoping for a comeback-maybe from the roots........hopefully it is not lost forever, though it is a pitiful shell of his former self!

Floors are cold on a slab foundation and this give a boost to sock feet! Some yarn I spun myself when I was a rookie. It is worsted weight-all I did was this weight in the beginning! The wool was perfect for this project and I have enough to make a few more pairs for some visitors next month!
Last week when 'in town' to take Bob and Shelly to the airport, we stopped and bought my parents a laptop so they could be connected while wintering here. Well , 3 computers and many hours of 'tech help' later-they finally have a laptop and a connection to the internet! It is good to have them here to help!
Hence, little in the line of sewing and knitting and I haven't spun anything for 10 days! Woe is me, but UPS brought me a delivery tonight---->now you are going to have to wait for tomorrow to see 'cuz blogger won't let me load now and supper calls............

1 comment:

  1. Sorry U. Bob and A. Shelly didn't get tropical...but I bet 60-70 and sun sounds tropical to them now!

    Do you miss the snow? :-)


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.