Tuesday, April 10, 2012

More Spinning and Knitting

 The yarn on the bobbins has been plied , measured and washed!  What a joy to see it hanging to dry!
(Even if the drying rack is a bit lopsided!)
 700 yards of fingering weight alpaca-this stuff is SO soft!
 400 yards of fingering weight Shetland for a shawl-I dug through my patterns this morning for ideas.
 The third Philomena Cardigan is off the needles and ready for wearing!  The new lace pattern worked well .
 I dug through my left over balls of sock yarn to find two compatible yarns for a pair of socks...yup, found 'em!
 The ground orchid is loaded with these blooming balls......
...and the two day lilies are sending a new bloom every few days!  So much work and the bloom lasts for only one day.  Is it worth it?  Oh, yeah!


  1. Maybe I need to invest in some plain colored sock yarn. None of my left overs would go together because the colors and patterns would just look nasty together.

    My daylillies are about 3" tall at this point.

  2. Lots of prettiness...

    The orchid is so impossibly bright that it looks like it could be fake!

  3. Love how your yarn and cardi came out, and your flowers are beautiful!

  4. you've been busy - again! I think your days must have more than 24 hours....lovely yarns and knitting!
    I like day lilies a lot, but unfortunately they don't like our weather that much:(

  5. What lovely handspun yarns and knitting, too! You are a busy woman....


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These table runners will be getting their binding today so they will be finished! I have these greens lined up on the design wall for a simp...