Thursday, February 28, 2013


 The hemp knit up beautifully; I see some spa washcloths in my near future!
 Mom and I had a sewing day, we cut up some pretty fabric and rearranged it-she is making a wall hanging, me a table runner.  Today was cutting up and then we will do several blocks for homework!
 One block is complete to help with the game plan.
The yard is blooming, too.  Spring is giving us signs that it is coming.......these wild crocus grace the front yard, 
right next to these neighboring Egyptian Iris.  What inspiration.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Visitors Part II

 Saturday morning was clean up and regroup mentally after saying goodbye to family. I decided to spin some of this month's FiberBinderClub hemp fiber.
 While it is a bit coarse compared to wool, it spun very nicely and I would love to make a woven mat from this for the table.
I remembered I had another ounce of this fiber somewhere and sure enough, found and spun that , too.  I am leaving this as singles and going to boil it to set the twist and see how it knits up.  I might have to ply this, too, but it is good to have ideas to try out!
In the afternoon, we had our next visitors from NY.  We took a drive up to Corky Bells for our dinner and our traditional picture on the dock!  They are official visitors now that they have this picture as record!  (The picture is wonky because of the sloped rails where I rest my camera for this timed snap shot!)  It is so nice to have old friends make the time to drop in for a few days.

Friday, February 22, 2013


... to our usually quiet lives are welcome.   I love a February filled with family!  We did a lot of this-hanging out and soaking up the sunshine and laughing.
 Well, most of us wanted to be in the sun!
 After my Georgia peaches left for home, we took a last day at the beach day with my sister and family.
 We saw a gopher turtle in the dunes......always fun to spot them.
 Bill and the girls went out farther than the rest of us but did make good use of the sand bar.
 We were some serious shell seekers.
 These monoliths were high and dry at low tide.  Usually they are out 50-75 feet from the shore on the Matanza River.  They looked inviting to me even if they are just some old bridge supports!
 The ocean was just a bit cool (65F) but just as alluring as always.
I found an unusual amount of sea glass, yippee!
Vanilla socks kept me busy in the car and in slow times of conversation!

Monday, February 18, 2013


 We woke up to a nasty freeze-the kind that lasted ALL night.  Bad for flowers, bad for orange blossoms.  Bill ran the sprinklers all night to help some of the plants in the front yard.
 These will bounce back after a bit of a rest.  We are hoping this was our last freeze this winter.
 This morning, Marsel and I started right in on a re-upholstery job.  Since she hasn't done this on her own, she brought the chair to her Mom for a fun lesson!  We started the job in front of the fireplace!
 In the afternoon, we went to visit at my parents and had a rousing game of Spinners with everyone!  While playing we saw this flock out the window.  The bird bath is a favorite spot for Dad and Mom's feathered friends......the bird feeder is just to the left of this so they have a front row seat to their actions.  (Yes, this was frozen solid this morning, too!)
 After dinner, we finished our sewing project!  The chair is now ready to travel back to Georgia!
We did have to re-do one cushion which turned into a good object lesson for Marsel because part of every job is the skill of fixing mistakes!  Together, every job becomes an adventure.
I am ready for my recliner and some knitting.........

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Mowing , the Third Generation

 Bill supervised David as he mowed the front lawn!  They both enjoyed this arrangement!
 He does a great job.  He was spiffing up the front yard just in time for company.
 My sister and her family are here!  The enjoyed meeting Will and Ella, too!
 Will plays hard and then finally gives in to a nap.
Ella is feeling better on her meds and even enjoyed some conversation and smiles with me!  Precious grandchildren/family day today!

Thursday, February 14, 2013


I have been getting a rose on Valentine's Day since's love!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Color Therapy

 I am enjoying my newest entrelac project.  While it isn't the fastest knitting I have ever done, it is very pleasing.  Color does something healthy to your brain, attitude and outlook!
 Our yard is just exploding with color.  The azaleas are all out-yes, it is early but still beautiful!
 My Camellias are still in full bloom, too.  I don't remember that happening since we've been here.
 Our Poinsettias are still beautiful and the bee population are pleased with a visit.
 The Mexican Daisies are enjoying a rebloom-they will do this until the full heat of summer and then they will rest.
 The Dogwood is brilliant in the front yard.
Their blooms are at peak right now.
 The Koonti fern got hit hard last year but is making a good comeback now-see all its cones?
There are lots of blooms on all of my Camellias!  I do love the splash of red all over my yard!
I also have some Georgia Peaches in my house!  They have come for a long visit.
While the kids have classes, I do a bit of my usual puttering........I made this lake stone ankle bracelet for a friend's birthday.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Visiting Oz

 Bill and I went here to visit some of his co-workers who have also retired to our fair state.  They have three zip codes to cover this community of seniors which number around 90,000 .
 We had a great time touring this mini-city, really a self-contained amusement park for seniors!
 This is the man-made lake.
 There really is a fleet of golf carts-the whole community travels in these and they outnumber the cars.  I especially enjoyed the fancy ones!
 There are lots of re-purposed architectural details throughout the down town areas.  This is a lock that doesn't open but looks like it might.  The water wheel in the back does turn and looks great.
 This is an old railroad bridge that serves its new purpose beautifully!
 There are tons of restaurants and millions of choices so you don't ever have to cook.
 Each 'little' neighborhood has their own town center and central park for gathering each night for music and gabbing and people watching!
Here are the ex-NiMo workers!


The phlox are blooming along our highways!   So pretty and much better than mowing it all down! I've not done much but a little painting...