Monday, September 8, 2014

Backward Steps Are Necessary Sometimes

Who says the internet is impersonal and sterile;  removed from reality?!   Not me.   I have made several very good friends because of blogging and I had another great visit from one of these friends this weekend.  Loree wanted to learn how to knit socks, she is already a knitter so the lesson was easy for my part!  On our second lesson, she brought me this little sewing room teapot!   It is perfect on my sewing curios shelf!  The lesson time was a wonderful time of friendship and laughter, sharing our lives where we are now and letting the knitting be a good excuse to get together!
I was moving along very quickly on the second green sock and when I put the last stitch on, I bound off and slipped the socks on my feet!
 I had about an hour until I went to bed so I picked up this Geology shawl that got put on the back burner and began knitting.  
 But I could see my feet and something was wrong with the socks.   The pattern was off.   So what!  I tried to listen to that voice but the difference was driving me crazy.   What was wrong with the pattern I used?
  I hung up the socks and began to investigate....I had done the pattern right in the second sock but I liked the proportions of the design in the first sock.  *Lightbulb*  I had used one line of through the back loop ribbing too few on the first sock so while the second sock was accurate according to the pattern, I didn't knit it to match the first sock.   Dilemma.   I waited to sleep on the decision.
Yes, I ripped out the second sock and worked most of the day to catch up the knitting!   It goes a LOT faster the second (third) time around and it is the correct mirrored image to the first, the way I wanted it to be.   I am knitter;  I make mistakes but I know what to do about it!!!  Are you listening, Loree?!


  1. Socks are so pretty. I'm just beginning to fall in love with green. Love the teapot. So cute!

  2. Ahhhhh!!!! Nooooo!!!! Lol! Yes, I'm listening. The green socks came out great btw. I am still working on sock 1. I had a great time! Thank you again!

  3. You are the most sticktoit-ive knitter/crafter that I know! I've gotten better as I've gotten older, but I am still much more likely to wad up a problem and never look at it again! :)

  4. Too funny. That's a "been there, done that" post. It's amazing how fired up you can get to fix a knitting boo boo. I wish I could translate that to my real life sometimes. Glad it worked out in the end.

  5. AS I have always said to DD (I believe Meg Swanson also heard it from her mother): "read your knitting more than the pattern!" The knitting shows us where we've gone wrong; the big decision is whether we can live with these 'design features'! ;-)


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The lovely fairy garden 3 yard quilt finally has binding (and I put it on right to machine stitch it all the way this time!) It was all read...