Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Right is Better

 Aha!   I have a pair of socks that mirror image each other!  It was so worth the extra work.
 I put the last row of quilting stitches on Millie's quilt today.  I pushed to get it done and now I am so glad I did.
 These blocks were given to her-in a pile and she had to figure out what the vision was and finish it!  It works now to be a real quilt and not a pile of fabric in a box.  She is on a roll and has given me two more tops to quilt for her!
 I put together the pattern pieces for the peasant dress for Abigail.  She hasn't been feeling well this week so I hope this helps to know it will be coming to her soon!
 On my ride yesterday, I found this guy out by the swamp.  Yes, another Yellow Weaver Spider.
 We used to have these up north, poplars-they will be exploding their 'cotton' soon.
 I hope I don't miss it like I did the Cereus.   I totally forgot her and missed the double bloom.
Boo hoo.
 This pine is proof of perseverance.  A large tree fell on him and broke his center right off.  The tree has grown back;  not straight and tall like the others but he is more like a sprawling maple in shape.   He is healthy and unique.   I like looking at him for the lessons he is showing me.
 I am always amazed at the clumps of lichen I find around here.   In general, my yard is not lichen friendly but here is proof that you can flourish where you are.
 This toadstool was very handsome, standing right in the middle of the path-I made sure I went around him and will give him a chance to do his full cycle.
The loofah just keep blooming and making fruit.  There are ones ready to harvest, some getting close and new ones yet to form.  


  1. Yay for the big sock and quilt finish!
    Loved the garden tour. I'm stuck in until the ragweed is spent so it's nice to know what's going on out there even though it is so far away.

  2. Congrats on the remade sock!

    So many neat things in your yard...I love mushrooms (for eating or for viewing!)...and that loofah plant is impressive.

  3. Beautiful socks! I love it that you grow loofah.

    Yes, I can see how that pine tree is a inspiration to you. Take care!


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The lovely fairy garden 3 yard quilt finally has binding (and I put it on right to machine stitch it all the way this time!) It was all read...