Monday, August 31, 2015

Fitting In

We saw a rainbow on the way to church! 
This precious boy is thrilled with eating!  It is so wonderful to be here with the family and get  a real
picture of their lives! 
We needed to pit stop at Target for new sippy cups for Ella and saw Elsa!  She had to give her a kiss and then have a picture with her! 
If Kai isn't sitting on our shoulder or head, he has discovered his own 'palm' tree!  Too funny! 
I finished sock one of my Undine pattern!  It works better if you don't lose your way through the pattern! 
We did a craft today;  Ella liked the craft with Kai on her head but wasn't happy with me interrupting her creativity for  a picture!  
Tonight after Caleb got home from a long day t work, we put this 'princess' bed together for Ella!! 
She loves it!  (who wouldn't?!) 
She wanted Daddy to share it with her!  Well, we have determined the bed is well made anyway!
Time for the recliner and Undine sock number two!

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Family Fun

Early Saturday morning we met Matthew, Ashley and Will for a kids time at the Pump It Up place. 
The kids had fun with their Dads.  

We had fun watching! 
Eli was  bit shell shocked at the noise level but he did well attached to Mama! 
They really like the bounce house! 
The Moms had  sit down time and watched them run around!
I had to rip out my Undine back to the place where I began the pattern around the leg.
I don't know wht I did but I lost the rhythm of the pattern and got off kilter.  I tried to ignore it but when i saw that  only purled a half row, that was it!  Time to tink!
I blame it on the late night knitting!  I'm almost back to where  I was now.... 
Eli is playing and has perfected his creeping and crawling now. 

It is so exciting to see him go everywhere!   
In the evening after naps, we went to the beach.  It was beautiful and restful.
Caleb is the master of shark-tooth-finding and even while holding a sleeping son, could out-find us as we walked along the shore that looked like this! 
He drew me  big circle because there were two teeth in there!  I found them but it was work! 
Here are the treasures I found tonight!
I now have 4 shark's teeth in my collection!
The shells with holes in them go into my weavings or hangings.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Then Tll Now

Bill cut down the big Camphor tree stump!  The whole front yard smelled of Vicks Vaporub! 
The table runner is bound and finished! 
I made a batch of peppermint goat's milk soap. 
And some more lotion while I was brewing in the kitchen.
I wanted to bring some soap and lotion to Caleb and Cassandra in Fernandina Beach.  She had recent surgery and hasn't bounced back because of complications....with two little ones, there isn't much rest time.  I told her I was impaired, too, so between the two of us, there just might be one whole person to keep up with things! 
To make it interesting, there is a hurricane on the way!  This was the sunrise this is windy but beautiful for us right now. 
To the southeast, there are magnificent clouds gathering! 
Someone else is stocking up for stormy weather!
I am having fun with their baby Conure, Kai.  He is so curious and smart!
He pulls my french wire earrings right out of my ears and tosses them to the floor!  He thinks they do not belong and frees me from them!  Too cute!  

Monday, August 24, 2015

An Inauspicious Beginning

I am not moving in my usual speed as another UTI has moved in for a visit.
I wanted to be upright for a while before the drive to the doctor's so I loaded the table runner top on the frame for a bit of light quilting. 
I have just a few detail stitching left to do. 
I joined a KAL for this sock pattern.  It is making good progress considering I had to tweak the pattern so I could knit it toe up!    I passed the heel and now it is time for bed!
Here's to the blessing of the antibiotic for my body.....

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Farewells and Arrivals

Goodbye until later;  see you in the winter! 
My nieces came to send me off with love, too. 
The sky reflected my emotions beautifully. 
I had several delays and lots of knitting time.  The socks for my grand daughter were finished and
so were we....we didn't get home until 3:30 am.   
I had a bit of recuperation necessary to be my old self.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Slow Times

This is a house by Lake Ontario that I saw the other day and forgot to include.  Isn't it just a fairy tale beauty?!   I have long admired it. 
Here are my four 'treasures' from the shore! 
We had fun with some tie-dye again!   
We did some 'frosting' of these glass candle holders-it is Elmer's glue and some food coloring painted on the glass! 
Mom and I are knitting little dolls from this booklet from knitting friend, Sharon!  It's just what we needed for using up those little balls of yarn......except we had to go to the store to buy 4 skeins of colors we didn't have!!!!  Doesn't it figure!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Garden Guru

My Dad has a green thumb.  He loves to garden and is a great garden-tender.
I am going to give you a view of what's in bloom that are especial favorites to me.
These are about 1/4 of what is now blooming in the yard!
Heliopsis are about 6' tall! 
Yellow Begonias


The phlox are blooming along our highways!   So pretty and much better than mowing it all down! I've not done much but a little painting...