Wednesday, August 30, 2017

If at First You Don't Succeed....

 Try something else!
The Jural top is was done but when I tried it on....there was this super low armpit and it is a no-go! 
It would work if I never moved while wearing it.
So,  I am presently trying to pick up and knit 
to fill in the 'space' 
and who knows if I can repeat it on the other arm hole.  
 Try something else is right-I purchased  some more of the white for the sashing on this little quilt the other day 
so I have begun putting it all together.  
Give me a few hours and I can really make a go of the sewing queue!
 This is part of the incentive to get the backlog manageable again!
A new Accuquilt die is just waiting for me!  
I have a pile of rainbow solids and some black fabric
 just waiting for this guillotine!  
Ever make a winding ways quilt?
I have a blank for this quilt pattern so I can doodle to use all the colors instead of just two.  

 Ideas bounce around so much sometimes, I hear sounds 
like the old Attari pong game in my head...........!


  1. Too bad about the top, otherwise it fits perfectly. I have one I knit like that too and I bought a flesh colored tank top to wear under it. It's not a comfortable solution but I only wear it to fiber fests so I grin and bear it. That little quilt is too cute for words. That material is just perfect for it.

  2. Hate when that under-arm thing happens. A cami might be a solution, but like Deb said, probably not the most comfortable. Love the color of it. and your quilts - wow! Fun colors.

  3. Getting a good fit is exactly why I don't even attempt to knit garment for myself. The color of your sweater is gorgeous.

    The die should make prepping the quilt easier. I'm all about easy these days.

  4. It is a shame the armholes are too large because the top is really cute otherwise.

    Hopefully you can find a solution without having to frog it all back.

  5. Oh I m so sorry. Amy Beth , the Fat Squirrel Speaks, gave a talk on how to pick up those stitches perfectly. Wonder if you could find it? The yarn is gorgeous

  6. Bummer about the armholes. Ugh. Frustrating. Wishing you good luck with your fixit!

    The quilt is adorable. Such a sweet delicate combination.

  7. "Grrr" on the top. :( The quilting stuff is great, though!


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