A good time was had by all!
Tom comes running when he sees me-he likes to be in the middle of the action, but being separated from me was too much-he made the 4' jump to be with me-a real RinTinTin moment!Notice the guys just kept on working when they saw me but that is another story!
Reward at the end of a day...........nothing beats a John Deere ride. (Note the tractor is not as shiny as last year this time....it is a work horse!)
...........of socks with blown heels. I have in times past darned them but it isn't lovely to look at and it feels like there is a wool wad under your heel; so these sit in the bin and they wait for me or the moths. What do you do with your socks that lose their initial perfection? I am tempted to try and needle felt the holes with a bit of roving and a styrofoam ball-what is your guess as to the outcome?
National Grid and an electrician finally restored the power a broken pole and blown transformer removed. My parents were again tempted to go home early (last year their furnace quit and they had to go home early to take care of that!) but have left the repairs in my sister's and brother's capable hands and will stay with us until their usual departure day-phew!
We have sewing to do and projects to accomplish together, and........I am just not ready to say goodbye again so early!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Speaking of sewing, Marsel and I made a dress for Abigail for Easter/her birthday which are the same day this year. It is so wonderful to sew a princess dress for the little princess herself-just wait 'til you see her in it! We also re-organized Marsel's sewing corner; I am telling you the organizing bug is contagious and I will gladly send it to you if you ask! Even her husband was pleased with the changes and he doesn't like change-"Wow!" was a great compliment from Bruce!
Perhaps my daughter will post pertinent pics.... http://www.mckeefamilynews.blogspot.com/
And finally , while we were getting flurries and my sister was getting snowed in, just an hour north from our FL home people were dealing with another kind of weather crisis-a tornado. Here are a few of the 'AFTER' pics we took while driving through today on our way home.
It transmits info to our computer and will give weather alerts if the need arises-pretty nifty for a member of the Wayne Mahar wannabe club.........
The phlox are blooming along our highways! So pretty and much better than mowing it all down! I've not done much but a little painting...