Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Flowers and Greenery

The rains have brought forth so much growth outside! The crepe myrtles are in full bloom. These were cut to the quick last spring and they are recovering nicely. I love the red flowers!

My mother's day gift from last year loves to brighten each day with its hibiscus flowers.

These clumps of portulaca grow all over the yard so I stick small bits into this pot of jasmine- they like the arrangement; so do we!
I killed the new orchid I bought a few months ago by putting it outside too soon and it didn't have time to adjust to the heat.........but first orchid is covered with blooms-it is very happy but I am going to get another fancy orchid and try again.

The dahlias from my dad are growing beautifully and still the blooms keep coming!
Dad sent us home with some new shoots for some blue flowering plants from the clump of plants I gave him several years ago-nice to have it go round like that! We will see how they do with the transplant.

Most of the garden is finished for now but we still have the butternut squash !

Bill and I take a walk most evenings and survey our little slice of Eden. Bill keeps wide paths mowed which make it pleasant to walk through the wild areas and gives a good view for things that slither. This is some kind of fennel for it smells just like dill but the plant isn't exactly like dill so we enjoy its aroma and the lacy beauty of the plant-it is 6 feet high now! While out by our pond, we always pause to listen to the pines sing- the subtle rustling sounds like far off traffic but it is the gently swaying of the trees and needles........quite captivating. This grove is about 60-70 feet tall. By far this is my favorite 'view' on our property. It is just one of the many mature live oaks that reside with us but this one is situated so perfectly. It is a feast to my eyes every day both in the morning and in the evening.........you can see why.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely! May I drop in for a visit to see it tomorrow?!


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