Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Hot but NO Complaints!

 Yes, this is what Florida does well........summer temperatures already!
 If you are going to work outside, it happens in the morning when it is still in the 90's!  This is the project this morning-picking up the area where the shed used to sit.
 It picked up nicely, we are going to sell the old windows and they will be out of here soon, too.
 Bill worked on spreading some more mulch, the plants really hold the moisture so much better when you water in the morning so the sun doesn't steal all the water first.
 We had a visitor today, one of the yard's gopher turtles; this one is close to the house and not way out back like the others we have seen.
 We followed him to his burrow to see where he was visiting from....
 Then we noticed that part of the tunnel had caved in so he has a back door!  I think we will be interfering and adding a board and covering it over so it won't be open here-there are no footprints going in or out this side so I think it was an accident.
We would be in big trouble after working out in the heat if we didn't have this to cool off in!
It is just what a heated, overworked body needs!
Another shawl I have on the needles, this is the tricolored yarn I spun.......I will continue enlarging the shawl until I get near the last color change and then I will knit the edging!  It is A Slice of Autumn/Spring by Kay Meadors, available on Ravelry.


  1. Looks great -- so nice with the shed gone!

    What a lot of happy things around your house...

    Love the colors of the new shawl, it looks so mellow until the aqua blast.

  2. Send a bit of warmth this way please! You are having early summer we are having an unseasonably cold June.

    All the work going on around your place is great - do you think it will ever get finished or will Bill always find "something" to do?

  3. Feeling hot, hot, hot! yeah the heat is unreal this year. love the knitting, even tho you need to turn the a/c down to 60 to handle the yarn LOL.

  4. Oh, goodness, that pool water looks awesome. That's one thing my gym lacks that I regret.

    Other than that you can keep your temps. Too hot for me!

  5. with temps like that I wouldn't leave the pool at all:)) we have about half of your values right now.... which suits me fine, I'd melt in anything more than 30 deg. C....but if you like it - enjoy:))

  6. What a lovely shawl, I love the colours. We had our "summer" in April and May and we now have "spring" in June here in the UK.

    Thanks for the nice comments on my blog, Susan


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!