Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Quiet Days

I did a bit of quick sewing to make a journal cover for a little girl's birthday gift.....
 She is wild about dogs.
 Bill has been reaching way up and picking us magnolia blooms.....the smell is wonderful.  The blooms close up at night and open in the morning just as if they were still on the tree.  Unfortunately, the flowers only last 2 hours and then they turn brown and fall apart-you have to savor them quickly!
Young mister sandhill is growing up-he is larger than his mother now but still without his full adult coloring.  Both parents find him grubs and share, even the bread we throw them go mostly to the youngster and he greedily gobbles up all they hold out for him!  We do enjoy their daily visits!


  1. What great free entertainment - it comes right to you!

    I'm sure any dog lover would love that notebook cover.

  2. The magnolia blossom is so's so pure-white and perfect that it looks like it's made from porcelain!


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!