Tuesday, May 31, 2011


 I made some slipcovers for all the pool furniture.  Nice to see fresh and clean again.
 I made all the slipcovers removable so when they get covered with cat hair ,
they can be laundered!  (Nice to hit the 50% off sale just right at JoAnns!)  The pool is a delicious 92F for anyone who wonders........perfection!


  1. Very nice slip covers.

    Please stop with the warm temperatures - it's expected to get to about 18*C (65*F) here today! :-(

  2. I didn't know those were on the punchlist! They're very pretty...the colors are fresh and cool against all of the warm colors in the pool area. Nice!

  3. Oh, my gosh, I'm soooo jealous!!!

    BTW, about Lyme Disease - currently you are more prone to getting it if you live in the northern half of the US and Canada, and more on the east coast than the west. But it is spreading very fast, and you can pretty much get it anywhere there are deer... and deer ticks. In Florida it has been reported, but more rarely than in the north. So watch yourself especially while on vacation in forested areas or in the northern half of the country...

  4. wait, 92 F - that's more than 30 C! yep, I could jump right in! but we shouldn't be jealous, we are having the first nice and warm day in several weeks - so I'd better go out and enjoy it!:)) nice covers, very inviting to lounge around on!


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!