Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Inside and Out

 One table runner finished and ready for use!  The angles made it interesting for the binding but not bad once you get down!
 The quilting worked easily this time-nice to have a small project to zip through!
 Had to piece the back-looks interesting, too!
 The baby sandhill crane is almost as big as his mom, but he still has speckling in his feathers.
 They are totally relaxed around Bling-he is such a mellow fellow and the birds know it, they will eat the bread we throw to them even if it is right next to him!
 Outside work included shoveling new mulch around the front of the house,
 the south side of the house,
(see the pretty roses and new bougainvillea)
 and then the back of the house where the plumbago and mexican petunias are spreading out.
Where there was a gap in the hedge, we planted the philedendron and new  robellini palms .
This hornet is doing his part for the pollination of the flowers.
I will leave you with this shot of the morning glories-so pretty!


  1. Very productive! The morning glories are gorgeous, I am kicking myself for not having planted mine yet...!

  2. Ah busy, busy, as usual.

    The table runner looks very nice indeed.

  3. I love the runner. But you know, I really think I need to borrow you for a couple of weeks. I'd love to see flowers of some sort planted here, but never quite seem to get my act together to do it! I just need you. :-)

  4. The cranes and flowers are lovely, but the table runner is to die for! Fabulous work!


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....