Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

 When Matthew and Caleb got off work, they came for a visit and we got right out on the boat for a ride and then dinner at Corky Bells!  See this mama smile!
 This horizon is not caused by the clouds but by a wildlife area hit by lightening last week and now hundreds of acres are on fire.
This is the sun setting on Crescent Lake.............what a perfect end to this week.  Thank you, sons.


  1. Happy Mother's Day to the woman who is not only my mother but one of my very best friends. I love you!

    ...and hooray for brothers who take the time to do the honors of treating Mom for all of us who can't be there. :)

  2. Sounds like you had a wonderful day.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!