Friday, June 10, 2011

Quick Report

It seems we have been in the car every day this week which seriously cuts down on the creative output!

I have been working on some knitted socks..........
I have also been experimenting with some designs for stitch markers for my lace shawls.  I will give these a try on the next shawl....
...which I just happened to have started last night-another mystery shawl because I have yarn left over!


  1. You did manage to be productive anyway, even if not in overdrive-mode!

    Love the stitch markers, they're very pretty. At first I thought they were earring and I hoped one pair was for me, lol!

  2. Tell me you are not driving and knitting?? Just kidding. Sharon

  3. Since Bill drives I would have thought you'd have plenty of time to knit!! LOL

    I always have trouble with long beaded stitch markers snagging in my lace - I prefer simple plastic rings!


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!