Friday, July 8, 2011

The Last Shuttle Launch

 We arrived on the beach in Daytona in plenty of time to wait for the launching of the last shuttle from Cape Kennedy.  The beach was not as packed as the launch we watched in February-the weather kept many away.
 We got to see two split second views of the shuttle as it roared off the launch pad-it was a bit anti-climatic but we did get to see something!  (Click this pic to enlarge it and you will see the glow in the center just above the horizon over the scaffolding?)
 After the beach, we headed to our favorite pizza shop for some NY style pizza!  Nice to sit outside and watch all the people!
 I knit as we rode along and worked on another garterlac dishcloth with the yarn I purchased at the yarn shop from the visit to the McKees.  It is the softest cotton yarn I have ever used-just wonderful!
On the way home Bill spotted this road kill which we turned around so I could take a picture so we can learn to ID these guys.  It is a cottonmouth snake in the pit viper family (in which are most of FL's venomous snakes)  We had a great 'off to town' day!


  1. That was a really nice post -- until the snake! Yuck!

    The new yarn is working up very prettily.

  2. I'm with Marsel - snakes, yuk! But this one was dead so not so bad!

    Glad you got to see the last launch; and that you had the opportunity for pizza (one of my favourite foods) and knitting.

  3. This seems to be a pretty crazy year for snakes. So cool that you were able to be there for the final shuttle launch!

  4. Fantastic pictures. Great beach time as well as watching the launch. Sad to know it is the last one.
    Snakes..can't handle snakes. Just about everything else I am ok with..but snakes and rats..send me!!!lol.
    Been reading your posts..looks like you had a nice visit while you were away.
    Looks like I can post to blogs again. Weird!! Techy

  5. We usually vacation in South Daytona Beach each year. Stay in a friend's condo called Oceans Atrium I think. Love that beach


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!