Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Health and Energy!

I am very grateful to be able to take antibiotics that restore health in just 24 hours...it is a blessing not to be taken for granted.  I did have to give in and go to the doctors but it was worth it to feel so good today! 

The afternoon rains have produced a  multitude of these guys on our sliding glass doors -they leave trails all over the door!  (it is about 1/2" in size-small but speedy !)
 There is another 318 yards of denim cotton yarn in the world!  It is so soft-wish I could share that with you, too!
 Feeling good gave me some pleasurable sewing room time today, too!  I am working on another purse organizer and was pleased to find everything I needed in the stash.
 I have a birthday party in a few weeks so I dug in the stash again and found this - a back pack went together much more quickly this time!  I like being able to produce from the supplies on hand!
 I am making good progress on the bird quilt for Marsel's friend.  The bottom is off the floor-always a big progress marker for me-showing that I have more done than to do!
The orange cotton is spinning up-this is the first bobbin, well on its way to full!  The Tour de Fleece ends this weekend so I have to keep up the pace as I near the finish line!


  1. I'm glad you're feeling so much better - back to your super-speedy self by the look of things!

    DD and I have an experienced (long arm) quilter coming here tomorrow to help us sort out our quilting issues; maybe then we can be a bit more productive.

  2. hm, a sure recipe for progress on all your projects:) I am so looking forward to your design for the handspun cotton! I love the feel of it, slightly bumpy, not as soft as bought thread, but cozier and much softer...

  3. What kind of critter is that? Don't like creepy crawlies! Ha Love, Mom

  4. Glad you're feeling so much better!

    The quilt is looking good; the yarns are lovely; cool picture of the snail!


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.