Monday, June 17, 2013

C is for Cat

These are the 'C' installments of a weekly photography challenge I have joined.  

 Sketch........rarely indoors but quirky when she does come in-this is where she chooses to spend the occasional night.
This is her more common environment-the way out front yard.
 Big Grey is filling out but still sticks pretty closely to his new people.
Storm likes ledges........she is in most of the time but does visit outside every few days.
 PuffDaddy explores everywhere but does like his people's bed at night and the pool area  which was his first domain.
 Nyki stays close to the house, still enjoys night in the pool area but will only give snuggles for 5.2 seconds now that she is 'free' to roam.  Stinker.
JD still has issues with trust and companionship-she comes in each night to sleep in the pool area but doesn't want too much interaction with anyone two or four legged.
 Sissy does come in and visit us off and on all day but her favorite domain is the garage.
Bling, the king of the porch is still a teddy bear and loves to have us sit on the porch so he can get a right and proper stroking.


  1. I had no idea you had so many feline friends. Isn't it interesting their different personalities?

  2. router replaced, back online:) you have a veritable cat collection! but it's probably best that everyone of them has their favourite spot or you couldn't walk with all of them around your legs:) are they getting on well with the kids or do you have to watch them like a hawk with the visitors?

  3. Welcome to the challenge -- I'm a late starter too but enjoying it so far!

    I love all the different personalities of your felines! Thanks so much for sharing!

  4. So you have little lions all around :) ... and what's with cats and sinks? Mine does the same thing

  5. When did you acquire eight cats? Have I missed something? Bling and Nyki I know and I vaguely remember the introduction of Puff Daddy but when did all the others turn up? Eight cats and seventeen humans -- somebody's gonna get there nose out of joint!


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The phlox are blooming along our highways!   So pretty and much better than mowing it all down! I've not done much but a little painting...