Monday, June 17, 2013

Knitting Knudges

 First, against all odds (like a killer migraine that stole a day and 1/2 from me!) I got the three counting books done in time for my grandbabies' visit this week!
 All are grommeted and ringed and ready for little fingers and handling!  I can't wait to share them!
 On the knitting front, I have enjoyed some simple knitting from Kay Meadors with some yarn that was gifted to me. It is knit on #10 1/2 needles with an artsy yarn.  It is a simple knit that I will be relying on when my house fills with company this week (garter stitch).
 But for some mental stretching, I purchased a class from Craftsy to learn Brioche knitting.   It is a great class and really puts your brain in gear!  I did my first sample in one color; then today finished my two color sample.  The darker strip on the two color sample was a stretch as I was lost on what was happening but I stuck with the directions and it worked-the colors are juxtaposed for a few rows!  I am hoping that as I become more familiar with this work, the patterning will be more intuitive for me!  The two color knitting is light with a dark background on one side and the opposite on the reverse.  Unlike k1p1 ribbed work, there is no right or wrong side with this stitch because you do not carry the strands in the tradition way.  Both sides are equally as attractive-very handy when you make scarves or reversible hats with this stitch.
 This morning I cast on for a real project;  the patterned scarf is on its way!  I am using some of my hand spun Coopworth yarn on #7 needles-it just begs for one more row!   I have used this for a  carrot on a stick all day because I am getting ready for the great salmon run in which all my kids will be returning home for a visit this week!!!  All of them-15!!!!!  I have beds everywhere!
I am ready for these to be filled-this is for the Seattle Salmon!  Aria's new entrelac blankie is just waiting for her!  Off to do another row........


  1. Happy to see you were able to finish the counting books! Your shawl looks like fun, am interested in seeing it finished. Enjoy the family!

  2. Woohoo! Exciting times (although it's probably all over now)! What was the occasion?


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The phlox are blooming along our highways!   So pretty and much better than mowing it all down! I've not done much but a little painting...