Monday, June 3, 2013

Completion Satisfaction

 Over the last week, I have been embroidering these denim squares for a counting book.  When I saw this pattern in a magazine, I knew I had to make it and I had a stash of old denim legs saved for a someday project and this is it!   I sewed the appropriate pages together leaving the edges raw for fringing like a pair of jeans.
 I sewed the appropriate pages together leaving the edges raw for fringing like a pair of jeans.
I placed grommets in each of the pages and then temporarily tied it with ribbon but I will be purchasing some binder rings to finish the book.
Here are a few pages up close-isn't it going to be a great gift?
 Every page is beach related and very well designed with both embroidery and applique in the hoop.
 The embroidery designs are free in this month's issue of Creative Machine Embroidery magazine.
 Now, I only have two more to embroider since I have all three babies coming the end of this month!!!    ( Some pages are only 20 mins to embroider-others, an hour!  It is so worth it!)
 I also finished up some dishcloths as my stash was depleted.
And the ripple socks finally are off the needles!  The ripple I finally decided that gave me the affect I wanted is an easy repeat of K2tbl, k3, yo, k2, yo, k3, k2tog-repeat around over 60 sts and then work one round even in knit.  The self-striping yarn makes it look a lot fancier than it is!  Nice way to break up a pair of 'plain' socks!  Give it a try!


  1. Your joy will know no bounds with all three babies visiting at the same time. And you will sleep very well each night. ;)

  2. Everything here is just so incredible! You've got 3 awesome projects done and I'm still working on the same collage, lol!

  3. The book turned out so great!!! I can't wait to see them in person...and to see my nieces and
    nephew, too! (...and my mother, of course) :)

  4. What a wonderful book! I love the way the pattern makes the color move on the socks and the small cloths look like a great project for learning entrelac. Great job!

  5. Cool book! Very cute! I like the socks too!

  6. Great book, cute socks! Be careful the older two don't ask for a handmade book too! LOL


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!