Friday, June 28, 2013

Family Ties

 The week is filled with 'nursery' time......
 ........and crafting time during naps.
 We felted some bars of soap for a luxury exfoliate bath bar.  So much fun to share!
 The guys are enjoying the pool every day-*This is my niece, Alicia, getting some tips from Jared!*
but are much more sedate with the babies!  
 Aria stole a skein of wool from the basket and scooted as fast as she could to escape with her treasure; when she took a taste, she gave it back to me!  Hysterical!
 Eating is serious business in the morning.
Bob and Shelly are here to enjoy the growing nieces and nephews!  Our swim was cancelled due to a beautiful thunder and lightening storm; it is in full summer pattern here weather wise!


  1. looks like your house is crawling with people just now (literally:). I am surprised that you still get spinning time! enjoy the craic with those wee ones, they look like they're having fun, too.

  2. What a lovely houseful of beautiful, busy babies! And, no, wool doesn't taste good, but it'll keep someone warm this next winter. You are going to miss them when they leave to go home.


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The phlox are blooming along our highways!   So pretty and much better than mowing it all down! I've not done much but a little painting...