Thursday, December 5, 2013

Ready, Set.........Go!

 Monday morning began with the removal of Bill's picc line!
 It came out without a hitch and no pain.........let the activity begin!  It has been a long recovery!  A big thank you to Mary, our home aide nurse for these six weeks!
 I finished the first pair of fingerless mitts with the hand dyed, hand spun gradated yarn in superwash!
This is the big celebration activity-a kitchen renovation!  This is the beginning-new oak cabinets and countertops!  More to follow!


  1. Woo-hoo! Good news all round. Good news for Bill and a kitchen renovation is very exciting!

  2. Now Bill, stay the hell well! Feed him onions and garlic and pro-biotic yogurts. Good luck with the kitchen reno, and may you have the happiest of holidays!

  3. Hooray to the picc line leaving, very pretty mitts, and WOW! to the kitchen!!!

  4. Bet you are both glad that 6 wks is over. That's about the going rate for most recoveries.

    The cabinets are very pretty and love the gloves!

  5. Good for Bill!

    I love that green in the mitts!

  6. Great news about Bill. Lovely kitchen cabinets. I hope to get a new kitchen next year. I hope it does not take as long as it did to do Ben's. Little Will has the cutest face. I am sure you cover it with kisses often.


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 Knocked down with another migraine this week-let's add vertigo and vomiting with this one!  Fun. Marsel bought me this pad of watercolo...