Tuesday, March 31, 2015


 Today, we took Dad and Mom to the airport to fly back to NY until next winter.   It sure does feel like the last few months just whizzed by us.  We ran a few errands after dropping them off but when we got home, I finished quilting this to get it off the frame finally!  I pushed myself to sew the binding on, too.   It is ready for the table....except
 someone already claimed it as a cat mat instead of a table runner!
 He settled in for a good rest staring out the sliding glass door at the sandhill cranes.
 As soon as he moved, I sticky rollered it so I could put it on the table!  The paper pieced dragonflies table runner is appropriate because our dragon flies have arrived!   It is such an exciting sign of warm weather to see them buzzing in the yard again!  The daytime temp was 90F today, the same temperature as the pool water;  just perfect to take some water therapy to soak the sad away.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

A Big Skein

I finished spinning and plying the 8 ounces of Romney/Coopworth roving!
 I wound all 339 turns of the skein winder to remove the yarn from the bobbin!
 It has a beautiful sheen for this fingering weight yarn!
 I almost got a perfectly balanced yarn-I'm calling it close enough!
 There were a few overspun portions but they will relax after a hot bath...don't we all?!
 Uh, huh;  I was right-the skein is now perfect for whatever 565 yard project I chose for it!
(the next step for this skein will be the dye pot, I am pretty sure!)

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Walking the Line

 Matthew, Ashley and Will came for a visit......Will is train crazy still so we gave him a treat and walked the rails by my parents' place.  He was in train heaven!  He just didn't want to go back to the house with us!  It was a great experience for him.  Unfortunately, we waited for hours at the house for a train to go by so he could wave but we didn't see a single one.  There used to be so many on the weekend;  not any more.  
After a good dinner together and a rousing game of cards which Matthew won, Dad and Mom had to say goodbyes;  they are leaving for home in NY this week.

Friday, March 27, 2015

FO Friday

Socks to match Abigail's;  these for her mom, Marsel!  I love what a fellow blogger called them-Jelly Beans!  This is the Felici Yarn from KnitPicks but they are discontinuing the yarn!  Why do I always lose my favorite yarns?!  (I still have enough yarn so I will make some more for littler granddaughters!)

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Georgia Trip

 We drove up to Georgia Family on Friday.....I got one plus a half socks made in the 8 hour trip;  these are for Abigail!
 Caleb and Cassandra and family were here, too-there were people beds spread out everywhere!
 This is the reason for the gathering-Bruce was being ordained as a minister.  This is the ordination council that worked with him on Saturday and we could sit with him and listen.
 Sunday at church, the congregation accepted the ordination recommendation for him to be welcomed into the calling of pastor so the church prayed and participated in the ceremonial laying of hands for the acknowledgement of God's work.  It was an incredible service to witness;  I couldn't imagine missing it for the world!
 The family picture after all the hard work was done!
This was Bruce's parents and his brother and family after church at the McKee home.
 And Marsel's parents and friends, too.
 Monday morning, we celebrated Abigail's 11th birthday!
 She blessed us with her musical skills the rest of the day!  (Really, she is very talented and she could make the harmonica sing!)
 I also got my two sided hat finished, modeled here by Caleb-thankfully, you can't see the ridiculous faces he is making while modeling for me!
 I will be making another one of these hats soon-they will be for Jared and Krystle who will need it next winter!
 In the evening, we had birthday pie!
Yes, happy and tired-that about sums up the whole family at the end of this very busy occasion!

Thursday, March 19, 2015


This is what Mom and I have been sewing!  All the blocks are completed and the blocks are arranged to our satisfaction!   Now to sew them all together!  These fabrics are all from Mom's Florida stash!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Knitting, too.

 The Driver's Mitts are finished.  The cables are tons of fun;
This is a great knit in worsted weight yarn and it fits wonderfully because of the k2, p2 ribbing throughout!

Monday, March 16, 2015

My Design Board

 I've joined in the RSC15 (rainbow scrap challenge of 2015) and this month it is yellow scraps of the star block.   I have the Accuquilt variation of the Ohio Star block so that helps with the trimming of my scraps.
I played around with the yellows and gold I have in the stash
and so far I have come up with these nine blocks.   I want to make 3 more for a small quilt and then I will make the two needed for the RSC15 quilt which is the goal for the challenge.   I am inspired!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Pool Time

 It was warm and sunny early on Saturday and they kids wanted in the pool.  So we spent most of the day there!                                    
 It didn't take Will or Ella long to get used to the pool, 'swimming' and jumping into their dads arms!   It was wonderful to watch!
 The water was 89* and the air just a degree warmer.
 It was a wonderful way to rest after the exertion of the day at the zoo!
 Caleb even introduced Eli to the pool;  the water was so warm, he just eased right in without a start.
 He kicked and stretched...
 and totally relaxed, giving his Dad a smile of contentment!
  Grandpa did some pool duty, too!
 This is what Will likes best at the moment-train time!  (I didn't get a picture of him at the zoo riding the train-it was by far his best memory, just ask him!)
 A perfect sunset on a perfect day........

Friday, March 13, 2015

Zoo Trip

 The whole crew and then some met at the zoo today in Jacksonville!
 The kids ran miles of fun but loved the rocks to climb on and jump from!
When they would get to over-heated, the moms put them in the strollers with snacks.
 It would help them recharge and gave us a chase break, too!  :')
 Until and uncle would get them wound up again!
 This beauty cruised the snack area cleaning up and asking for treats!
 Eli slept through most of the afternoon!
 I enjoyed the plants, trees and flowers as much as I enjoyed the animals and birds!   It was a feast for the eyes!
 I think the favorite for these two was the otters.
 They wanted us to stay and watch them play/fight and splash.  It was fun to see the animals from the kids point of view!
 Will was impressed with their swim finesse!
 Ella liked the giraffes.  (I love how she crosses her ankles!)  It was very warm so we took a lot of breaks for water and shade.  It is organized great to give you a good variety of open and shaded spaces!
 Great Grandma and Grandpa enjoyed some Eli time when he woke up!
 I liked the monkeys compound-they ran and played tag forever!
 Kind of like two other monkeys I love to watch!
 As we were all winding down, I did get Will and Ella to hold still (sort of) for this final picture!
Yes, it was time for everyone to have some siesta time!  Today was memorable!


The phlox are blooming along our highways!   So pretty and much better than mowing it all down! I've not done much but a little painting...