Saturday, June 24, 2017

Gladys Tidings!

 Off the needles and ready for wearing!  The Gladys Socks were a great knit; 
 this pair were knit over 64 sts with Chroma superwash and next time I would try them with only 56 sts but I haven't thrown them in the washer or dryer to see what happens there!
 When I smoothed them out on the sock dryers, I noticed a dropped stitch right at the base of the ribbing!  Thank goodness for scrap yarn, a darning needle and duplicate stitches to rescue the errant stitch!  If this was a toe-up sock, I could have ripped out the ribbing to fix it but this was top down--ripping was NOT an option!
 But once I finished weaving in the mending ends, there is no problem any more!
I also finished piecing and trimming all the flannel blocks into tops-you will be seeing them again soon as finished quilts!

((I was interrupted while in the middle of loading pictures and came back to the laptop to find Lena had loaded a picture and posted this for me!
What a sweet and helpful kitty!)


  1. Those socks are two little masterpieces! I can't wait to see your new quilt. I was just watching a video about hot to set blocks on point. I would love to try that on a border someday.

  2. Lena is your own personal IT department!

    Socks look great.

  3. Beautfiul socks! Glad you were able to catch that errant stitch before it ran. I love the color combo on the quilt blocks too.

    Lena is not only beautiful. She is SMART!

  4. Your Gladys may be my favorite socks of 2017 so far. WOw. I always lose a stitch or two on those tiny needles and sock yarn. Great rescue

  5. Those sock colors remind me of a stormy day at the beach! Pretty.

  6. Well done! The finished Gladys socks are gorgeous. I'm happy that your sharp eye discovered the dropped stitch so a quick repair was possible.


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....