Friday, February 7, 2025


We took a day to go to downtown Jacksonville to the MOSH and expose the kids to some smiling adults instead of sobbing ones.
We had a very good time trying to keep up with each of them!
The youngest did need a snooze for a bit!
My Washington Son and family.
The drive home last night after saying goodbye to everyone. 
 Yes, the sun sets on one chapter of our lives.


  1. Having family around you at this time is so important. The strength you give to each other is sustaining. It's good that the children get to see this. Beautiful photo of the sunset. I think you've found your next watercolor inspiration.

  2. Good quality family time and a beautiful sunset ... just what you need. Best wishes.

  3. So thankful for time spent with the ones you love in moments of trial. Prayers for the future and God's mercy for you all.

  4. I'm so glad that you had family with you for support and love for each other. This has been and is a trial like no one can prepare for. May God have His hand of mercy and love on you and all of yours in the days to come. You are loved and cared for by all of us here in blogland. We may not be skin to skin friends, but we are heart to heart friends.
    Blessings and love,

  5. We need the sadness to remind us just how precious those smiles are. Glad you have your family for support in such a hard time.

  6. So glad you had family with you. That sunset is gorgeous.

  7. So glad you were able to make some happy memories in the midst of the sad xx


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