Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Colors of August

For a tour of the colors all across the world, go here and enjoy .  I haven't played along for several months and didn't want to miss again!
 Hibiscus-about 8" across...
Paddle cactus, 14"....
 crepe myrtle,
rose cactus with anole, 
bottle brush bloom, 
this color has been a big hit this month! 
the humble marigold, 
ground orchid, 
mexican heather, 
sago palm and new growth in the middle that is really cool! 
fancy coleus, 
morning glories... 
podacarpus in berry, 
mexican petunias.
We are color rich this month........


  1. Wow, you sure are color rich! How beautiful!

  2. Indeed you are rich! You have such pretty flowers and the sight of them all in bloom must be music for the soul.

  3. These all look like Florida plants. Are you in FL?

  4. Beautiful plants, beautiful pictures!

  5. Gorgeous choices for the colors of August!! I love hibiscus, so I love that photo!

    Glad you could join in this month!!! And thanks for identifying all of your exotic plants! (Plus, I would have missed the anole in that picture if you hadn't noted it in your caption!)

    Happy almost September!

  6. What a wonderful variety of colorful plants you have. The rose of Sharon that I started my Colors of August with is related to your hibiscus - but a much much smaller blossom! Enjoyed your post. T.


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.